
职场商务 2017-07-15 03:03:13 职场商务
[摘要]Help! I Cant Stop WorkingWorking nonstop is a serious problem that can affect health and family 如网


Help! I Can"t Stop Working
Working nonstop is a serious problem that can affect health and family.



How did it happen? Americans are now working two hundred more hours a year than 30 years ago. That’s an extra month. In Oregon, professionals gather regularly for workaholics’ anonymous meetings.

"I am James, workaholic. ” "Hi, James. ”
"I am a workaholic, my name is Emily. ” "Hi, Emily. ”
The Oregon workaholics asked to keep their faces hidden, but were willing to make their problems public. Their goal, helping others who are addicted to working.

"I wasn’t sleeping, I would just go on these work binges. I would, you know, get two or three hours of sleep a night, I was a precocious young workaholic. ”

A lot of Americans are now working more than 50 hours a week, damaging their family lives, even the lives of children and their lives with friends.

God, grant us the serenity.
The long hours have prompted in workaholics’ anonymous chapters, like this one to take root now in nineteen states plus D.C., helping workers on Wall Street and in the blue collar sector as well. Among the common tolls on a workaholic’s life, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, children can even get depressed.

"It has been times like when my son was very young, a baby, but there would probably be two or three days that go by that I wouldn’t see him. ”

Admitted workaholics warned that being addicted to work is not a laughing matter. Workaholics can have dire consequences if help isn’t sought, and practical rules are still upheld.

"I can kill myself being a workaholic, just as if I were picking up the bottle or picking up drugs. ”

"So we are joining now by a workplace contributor Torrey Johnson CEO of Woman for a Hire. Torrey, good morning to you. ”
"Good morning!”
"So how do you know the difference between a problem and the fact that you just has a good work ethic?”
"The workaholic is literally never punched out, it’s a person who is focused on working 24*7, obsessed with working and rather be working than doing just about anything else. Naturally will that person derives all his or her satisfaction from their work. ”
"And you’re said to me that people think that they are helping their families and doing it for their families. But in fact, the statistics is sort of scaring. Twice the divorce rate?”
"Twice the divorce rate in a workaholic marriage vs. in a ordinary marriage. And we know that any marriage takes work, but with the workaholic that is not the kind of work that they want to focus on. ”

"And children. The children they’ve think you providing more for, in effect, the children of a workaholic suffer a higher rate of ”

"Depression, anxiety and that’s partially because the workaholic is a control-freak, a perfectionist really demands perfection and that perfectionism linked back to the children. ”

"But there is another kind of person you say who is working way too hard and just needs to work smarter”
"Yeah. ”
"Means having the same effect on their lives. Let’s talk about people who say I am doing it coz I really need the money. We have to have money and it’s true. ”

"And it is true. And for a lot of people it’s a reality, that they have to put in a lot of hours at work. And to those people I would say, take a look at the way that you’re working. See if there are some, maybe even the baby steps that you could take to readjust the way that you work. For example, you know what really impact your productivity or even your earning potential if you left work an hour earlier, if you store an hour at some point during youth evening instead of working but spend it with family time, spend it on your personal hobby, spend it on something that you personally interested, that’s not work.”

"And I guess I ask real questions about is that a bit of extra income by making with that a bit of extra work, actually, better for my kids in the time I can spend with them. ”

"That’s right. And you know, often we realize there’s a point of diminish return. We can put in all of these hours and we’re pedaling harder and harder and harder, and yet at the end of the day we are not making more money. ”

"So how do you go to your boss and say ‘Guess what? I’ve decided I need to take more time off and do less work.’ ”

"It’s not so much about taking time off your work. ”

"Yeah. I know, I know. You know what, first of all, take your vacation time and the reality is most Americans don’t use up all of their vacation time. So right there, there are some opportunity. But aside from that, sometimes you can delegate more. A workaholic is somebody who wants to do all of the work on their own. And is just afraid of delegate any of it. Use other people around you to help. Solicit their input and their advice. Because when you delegate and when you say to yourself, you know what, I’m going to put down this work at night, I am going to leave at a specific time like everybody else in my office does. ”



相关热点: 天才宝贝熊


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