[夏天 李玖哲 下载]专辑下载:夏天结束,秋天别来 James Blunt

英语资源 2017-09-02 14:03:13 英语资源
[摘要]在欣赏歌曲的同时,将歌词的残缺部分补全,奖励HY80本音乐资源来自互联网,仅供英语学习之用。如果链接过期失效,请谅解 Artist:James BluntSong:I Cant Hear th



Artist:James Blunt
Song:I Can"t Hear the Music

Is it a warning?
Is it an evil sign?
Is it a people,
who have lost their mind?
Is it the darkness?
Is it a man resigned?
Is it a best friend
leaving you behind?
Is it ever gonna stop?
Will they ever let you go?

You"re in a rush,
they don"t care enough,
cause their lives are very slow
Time is ticking on
You don"t get a second shot
will the lost souls be forgot?

And if I can"t hear the music
And the audience is gone
I"ll dance here on my own.
And I hope the lonely hearts club band
will play out one last song
Before the sun goes down.

And is it envy?
Should it really make you sick?
Is another time that you realise
You"d better get out quick
Cause time is ticking on
Too long to fake a smile
But then you sell your soul for a leading role
So wear it for a while

And if I can"t hear the music
And the audience is gone
I"ll dance here on my own.
And I hope the lonely hearts club band
will play out one last song
Before the sun goes down.
And there she goes
And there she goes

So, "round you"ll see me run
Cause Billy"s got himself a gun
and you"re right to be afraid
They"ll send you to your grave
cause you"re strange and new,
So, "round you"ll see me run
Cause Billy"s got himself a gun
and you"re right to be afraid
They"ll send you to your grave
cause you"re strange and new

And if I can"t hear the music
and the audience is gone
I"ll dance

Stanley de 乐音记:静下心,便不再迷失

上尉诗人回来了,还记得零五年一首《You"re Beautiful》带给我们的感动吗?那纵情一跳,直指人心的歌词,听了叫人心痛。一个男人对深爱女人的迷恋,其间的分分合合,字字揪心。Goodbye my lover。参军入伍,科索沃维和。正是James Blunt这些独特的个人经历,令我们在听他唱歌的时候,总忍不住感动。

James Blunt这张新专辑叫做《All the lost souls》,里面一共有十首歌,十首歌即十个故事。给浮夸的你,给烦躁的我。

《1973》的复古风把我们带到了过去,所以缅怀。《One Of The Brightest Stars》平和、安静。每个人都是一颗闪耀的星,只是你没发现而已。《Same Mistake》则带有一点《U"re Beautiful》的影子,前面的冷吉他诉说一段有始无终的感情。《Give Me Some Love》让我们看见了Blunt顽皮的一面,略有孩子气的男人怎能叫女人不喜欢?《I Can"t Hear The Music》之所以选择这首作为推荐,恐怕是这句歌词所呈现出的意境"And if I can"t hear the music and the audience is gone, I"ll dance here on my own. "相比上张《Back To Bedlam》,Blunt的声音更加温暖亲切,听着他的歌你也许会一夜不眠直至深陷进去。


→《All the Lost Souls》←


相关热点: 英文歌曲 流行音乐 全国职称英语考试


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