
英语口语 2017-11-09 01:03:13 英语口语
[摘要]The Winchester Mystery House温彻斯特神秘屋In 1881, Sarah Winchester, the widow of famous gun maker Oliver


The Winchester Mystery House

In 1881, Sarah Winchester, the widow of famous gun maker Oliver Winchester, became convinced that she needed protection from the evil spirits of all the people killed by Winchester rifles. A psychic advised her to continually add rooms to her San Jose, California, mansion to confuse any ghosts that may try to find her. (It"s not clear why ghosts, which can supposedly move through walls, would be confused by the rooms, but it apparently made sense to Winchester.) She did so for nearly forty years, adding more than 100 rooms and staircases, until her death in 1922. After Sarah"s death, her own ghost was said to haunt the halls of her mazelike mansion. Today the building remains a popular tourist attraction, a bizarre monument to superstition and paranoia.

1881年,Sarah Winchester,已故著名的枪械制造者Oliver Winchester的妻子,声称她需要保护以免受所有被Winchester步枪夺取生命的恶灵。一个巫师建议在她加利福尼亚圣荷赛的公寓中不断添加屋子,以让那些想找寻她的鬼魂搞混方向。(不明白为什么是鬼魂,它应该是可以穿墙走壁,被屋子给搞混,恐怕只对Winchester讲得通吧。)她40年来一直如此,新建了超过100间屋子和楼梯,直到她在1922年去世。在她死后,据说她自己的鬼魂也在这个如同迷宫一般的公寓中游荡。现在,这座公寓已经成为旅游胜地和对于迷信和妄想症的奇特纪念碑。


The Amityville Horror

On Nov. 13, 1974, six members of an Amityville, New York, family were killed by one of the family"s sons, Ronald Jr. ("Butch") DeFeo. In his legal defense, DeFeo claimed that demonic forces in the home drove him to kill. The new owner of the home at 112 Ocean Avenue later claimed a variety of ghostly phenomena, and the story was further fictionalized into a best-selling novel and horror film. Yet the supernatural events were never proven, and DeFeo"s lawyer later admitted that the story was a hoax.
1974年11月13日,纽约Amityville的一个六人家庭中的五位成员被另一位家庭成员--屋主的儿子Ronald Jr. DeFeo杀死。在他自己的辩护中,DeFeo声称屋子当中有一股邪恶的力量迫使他杀人。这座位于112海洋大道的屋子之后的新主人声称看到许多可怕的现象,之后这个故事被进一步的小说化,成为了畅销的小说和恐怖电影。至今,超自然时间从未被证实过,并且DeFeo的律师之后也承认这个故事是个彻头彻尾的谎话。



The San Francisco Bay"s resident rock, and perhaps the most famous prison island in the world, Alcatraz has captured the public"s imagination in many films and books. The prison, a cold, dank hellhole, saw many murders, riots, and suicides during its 29 years of service. Along the way it spawned tales of inexplicable sounds, cell doors closing on their own, disembodied screams, and scary apparitions.


The Fox Sisters Cabin

Though less well-known than the other haunted places, the Fox Sisters cottage is perhaps the most important haunted house of all, since the phenomena here in many ways set the standard for later hauntings and even launched a religion.

In 1848 Hydesville, western New York, two young sisters named Maggie and Katie Fox began supposedly communicating with the ghost of a murdered peddler. The sisters, in a sort of crude seance, would ask questions of the spirit, who would answer back with mysterious knocks or raps. Many people, including their mother, were amazed at what seemed to be genuine contact with the dead. Both sisters eventually admitted that they had actually faked the sounds--there had been no murdered peddler, it had all been a prank. The women even demonstrated how they had done it. But by then the belief had taken on a life of its own as a religion called Spiritualism, which is still practiced today.
虽然比起其他闹鬼的地方,福克斯姐妹小屋不是那么有名,但是因为这里的闹鬼的现象,甚至还发起了一个信仰,所以说来它应该是所有闹鬼的小屋中最有名的那个了吧。在1848年纽约西部的Hydesville, 两个年轻的女孩子,Maggie和Katie Fox姐妹开始了想象中的和鬼魂对话的招魂术者。这对姐妹,利用一种拙劣的降神会,向灵魂问问题,而灵魂会利用神秘的敲击声或叩击来回答。许多人,包括她们的母亲都对这个和死者进行的真实联系表示惊讶。姐妹最终承认她们实际上伪造了声响--根本没有招魂术者,通通都是骗局。姐妹甚至还演示了她们如何行骗。但是该信仰最终形成了一种教派,叫做招魂说,并流传至今。


The White House

The Washington, D.C., home of America"s presidents has surely seen untold tragedy through the centuries, from being burned down in 1814 by British troops to several attempted (and accomplished) assassinations. Among the White House"s spooky stories include the appearance of Abraham Lincoln"s ghost. Lincoln"s widow, Mary Todd, dabbled in the occult and held seances in the White House. Other reputed ghosts include Andrew Jackson, Dolley Madison, and Abigail Adams, though they are rarely seen today.
在华盛顿,美国总统之家肯定在几世纪中见证了不少未知的悲剧,从1814年被英国军队焚烧到几次蓄意(成功)暗杀事件。在白宫中的怪异故事包括 Abraham Lincoln鬼魂出现。Lincoln的遗孀,Mary Todd试图解开谜团,并在白宫中举行降神会。其他知名的鬼魂包括Andrew Jackson、Dolley Madison和 Abigail Adams,不过现在他们已经不太被看见了。





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