
英美剧 2019-06-14 08:03:13 英美剧
[摘要]《越狱》第四季第三集学习笔记新鲜出炉!!点击下载越狱第四季第3集英简繁字幕>>Michael: Hey! Whatd you pull us into? Self: Excuse me?Mich文化娱乐英美剧




Michael: Hey! What"d you pull us into?
Self: Excuse me?

Michael: You figured you"d get us on the hook, So we could find out for ourselves how screwed this whole thing was!
Self: What the hell exactly are you talking about?

Michael: The card, agent Self! I"m talking about the card! It"s useless!
Self: Wait, wait, hold on. You already got the card?

Michael: Yes, but without the other five cards, it means nothing! And I can only assume you knew that!
Self: What other five?

Michael: Don"t.
Self: What other five?

Michael: Roland downloaded the card. There"s no Company data on the card. Without the other five cards, it"s unreadable. It"s like one-sixth of the puzzle, But that"s not my problem, Because we had a deal, and we gave you Exactly what you asked for.
Self:No, you didn"t! No, you didn"t! We had a deal for you to get me Scylla, And you haven"t gotten me that, have you?

Michael: You gave me your word.
Self: And I"m giving you my word again-- you will go back to prison if you can"t get me those other five cards. But if you"re telling me you can"t get this Done, Just let me know right now, and we"ll get your cell ready.

Michael: I"ll get it Done.




相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 越狱 小学六年级英语下册


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