
翻译考试 2019-08-06 22:15:42 翻译考试
[摘要]作业形式:1 翻译蓝色部分英文2 给出文章大意3 总结单词, 短语, 句式等US carmakers seek alliances美国汽车业酝酿大规模重组By Bernard Simon



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US carmakers seek alliances

By Bernard Simon in Toronto and John Reed in Shanghai 2008-10-13
英国《金融时报》伯纳德•西蒙(Bernard Simon)多伦多、约翰•里德(John Reed)上海报道 2008-10-13

A massive realignment is looming in the global automotive industry as financially troubled carmakers and their parts suppliers seek stronger partners and buyers.


Much of the manoeuvring revolves around the three Detroit-based carmakers, General Motors, Ford Motor and Chrysler, whose survival is threatened by dwindling liquidity over the next 12 months as car sales wilt.

很多动作以3家底特律汽车制造商为中心:通用汽车(GM)、福特汽车(Ford Motor)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler)。随着汽车销量萎缩,流动性降低威胁着3家公司在未来12个月内的生存问题。

Chrysler, the smallest and most vulnerable of the three, is understood to have held talks on wide-ranging alliances with GM and with Renault-Nissan, the Franco-Japanese group.


Over the weekend, Chrysler, which is 80 per cent owned by Cerberus Capital Management, the New York hedge fund, said it was "looking at a number of potential global partnerships". It declined to provide further details.

上周末,克莱斯勒表示"正在考虑若干潜在的全球合作伙伴关系",但拒绝提供更多详细信息。纽约对冲基金Cerberus Capital Management拥有克莱斯勒80%的股权。

Meanwhile, Ford is considering selling its 33 per cent stake in Japan"s Mazda, as well as Sweden"s Volvo, which is wholly owned. Ford insisted that its "relationship with Mazda has not changed".

与此同时,福特正考虑出售所持日本马自达(Mazda) 33%的股权,以及全资所有的瑞典沃尔沃(Volvo)。福特坚称其"与马自达的关系没有发生变化"。

GM and Ford are also reported to have held merger talks over the summer, although they broke them off last month. GM said its officials "routinely discuss issues of mutual interest" with other carmakers.


"We can assume in this environment that everyone is talking to everyone else," said David Cole, chairman of the Michigan-based Center for Automotive Research, an industry think-tank.

"我们可以认定,在当前背景之下,大家都在互相进行谈判,"密歇根汽车业智囊机构汽车研究中心(Center for Automotive Research)主任戴维•科尔(David Cole)表示。

Mr Cole singled out sovereign wealth funds as among the possible buyers, and expected a series of deals "sooner rather than later". He also raised the prospect that GM might seek buyers for some of its engine plants, which, he estimated, could raise more than $10bn.

GM studied, then rejected, a possible tie-up with Chrysler more than a year ago, before Daimler sold it to Cerberus in a $7.4bn deal in May 2007.



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