
英语阅读 2019-10-06 12:13:03 英语阅读
[摘要]一只名叫Kobe的“糖尿病提示”犬,帮助主人更好地注意自己的饮食、生活习惯和方式,使主人对它宠爱有加。Kobe the lap, nudges and pushes and bugs Bill Po



Kobe the lap, nudges and pushes and bugs Bill Pomer until it gets his attention. That hurry warns that his blood sugar is dangerously low. "He is able to smell when my blood sugar is low. And what we are training with here is a salt that I were choir my blood sugar was low and mail to end his trainer."  Kobe is a diabetes servo star. His warning gets Bill time to eat and raise his blood sugar before he has a scissure or goes into a diabetes coma. "When we got up one morning to find him in a cold sweat with his limbs already jerking and the only thing that I could do at that point was dribble honey into his mouth and that brought him out of it."

They hope Kobe will help them avoid more crisis like that. It takes three months of intensive work to train a dog like Kobe, he is one of ten diabetes dogs trained by "Beth Eating Candles" . More in training. "We"ve trained yellow labs, obviously, golden retrievers, German Shepherds, we"ve trained one standard poodles, we"ve trained Labradors."

"Good morning."
"Good morning."

Kobe goes to work with Bill. Here Bill introduces him to each student in the class he teaches at Houston Community College. "As you can see Kobe is a young dog and he"s still in training. This is his first day of class. In fact Bill does only has it for two days. But eventually, he will lie still by Bill"s desk without a trainer." A little correction here in there from the trainer who accompanies him, but Kobe is already a part of Bill"s life and may some day end up saving his life.

相关热点: 英语学习资料 英语听力 品牌听力 英语听力 翻译英文


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