
英语阅读 2019-11-19 08:07:12 英语阅读
[摘要]相关报道:>>克林顿抵朝鲜协商释放美记者>>克林顿不辱使命 两记者终归国点击播放按钮收听音频:正在非洲访问的美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿10日在刚果(金)出席活动时遭到提问,要求谈谈她丈夫克林顿对国际事务


>>克林顿不辱使命 两记者终归国



Hilary Clinton’s big trip to Africa, the message she has for the world, she is the secretary of state, the husband former president Bill Clinton is not. And she made that point loud and clear during a stop in Congo on Monday. Our senior foreign affairs correspondent Mac Rustics has the story.

It happened during this town hall meeting in Africa. Secretary Clinton was asked the question that instantly angered her. It was the topic of the question, Chinese contracts, it was the follow up.

What does the Mr. Clinton thinks through the mouths of Mrs. Clinton and what does the Mr. majority think.

Way, you want me to tell you what my husband think. My husband is not the secretary of state, I am. So if you ask my opinion. I will tell you my opinion. I am not going to be challenging my husband.

Her intense segregation, of course, follows the highly successful trip. Bill Clinton took to North Korea to free two American journalists. A trip that has totally clips her own. And even before that, she was badly rumors that she had been marginalized by the white house.

It is so ridiculous! You know, there is just no basis to it.

Hilary Clinton is in a historically uncomfortable spot. She is secretary of state but her husband was once the president, a very popular president. She saw that when she was trying to become president. He shows up, the cameras follow. So the Africa question now that she is the top diplomat.

Have you secretary of state and someone ask you about your husband’s view of something. I think anyone of you will be like to be upset.

Secretary Clinton did try to make output the questioner after the event even before she realized that the translator had made a mistake. It wasn’t former president’s opinion. It was the current president’s opinion.

For good morning America, Mac Rustics ABC news Washington.


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