
英语明星 2019-11-29 18:07:27 英语明星
[摘要]女招待Amy Adams17、18岁的时候,甜美的艾米·亚当斯在Hooters连锁西餐厅当女招待。这当然不是她的长远计划咯。太来电了!演艺圈15对假戏真做的亲密爱人Amy Adams I was a


女招待Amy Adams



Amy Adams

"I was a hostess at Hooters, and that was sort of fun. I was 17, and then when I was 18, Iwaited [tables] for about a month. I wasn’t cut out to be a waitress, and I certainly wasn’t cutout to be a Hooters waitress. That was a short-lived ambition. Everyone would agree, if they couldsee me, Hooters isn’t necessarily the best way to describe me."




Jim Carrey
When he was 15, his father lost his job. Carrey took after-school jobs as a security guard and janitor at a tire factory outside Toronto to help his family get by.

小保姆Debra Messing



Debra Messing
“My first job was babysitting. Throughout graduate school, I was a nanny to a little baby because I love watching children. I learn a lot from them. They’re really the most theatrical of all of us."

Jennifer Lopez睡地板



Jennifer Lopez
"When I moved out to L.A. for the first time to do In Living Color, my grandmother and my aunt all came to visit me in the first week. And I thought, ‘This is really weird.’  But they just wanted to see that I was living in a nice place. At that time it was like, ‘Why are they visiting me already?  I"m not even settled in.’ I didn"t have furniture or anything. We all slept on the floor. Now that I think back, it was great.”

Nikki Blonsky卖冰激凌

《发胶》里头可爱的胖姑娘Nikki高中毕业之前在Coldstone Creamery冰激凌店打零工,一边也在当实习生为进入大学做准备。她偷偷去参加了《发胶》的试镜,想着自己要是没选上的话别人也不必知道了。当然得到了机会之后她在毕业舞会前夜公布了这个重大消息。


Nikki Blonsky
“I had just graduated high school and I was working part time at Coldstone Creamery, and doing an internship and getting ready to go to college. I didn’t tell any of my friends that I had auditioned for Hairspray, because if it didn’t happen I didn’t want to explain to everybody. When it happened, I was like, ‘Oh no, I have to tell everybody!’ So I got the news the night before my senior prom. I went to my senior prom the next day, and I said, ‘Hey, guys I tried out for the new Hairspray movie, and I got it.’"

Chris Rock餐馆打杂

著名艺人Chris Rock曾经在红龙虾海鲜连锁餐馆打工,他说在那里打工就意味着压根儿吃不起哪里的东西。因为拿的是最低工资,可是一只虾就抵上你的最低工资了。


Chris Rock
"The thing about Red Lobster is that if you work there, you can"t afford to eat there," he once told Jay Leno. "You"re making minimum wage. A shrimp costs minimum wage. I cleaned up after the kids. Kids don"t eat. I used to zero in on a kid. "Don"t touch that scallop. Please don"t touch that scallop.""

舞台剧小配角Catherine Zeta-Jones

大美女泽塔琼斯10岁的时候就在英国西区歌剧院在音乐剧《安妮》里头当了配角,11岁12岁的时候则出演了《龙蛇小霸王》。16岁演《42街》,被David Merrick选中担当了主角。在舞台上她演了2年半,没想过要往电影方向发展。


Catherine Zeta-Jones
“I didn’t even think about movies where I came from. I wanted to be on the stage. When I was 10, I did Annie in the West End. I did Bugsy Malone when I was 11 and 12. And then at 16, David Merrick saw me in 42nd Street. I took over the lead and he cast me. I was there for two and a half years. Right now, these young kids are going crazy. I never had that because I had a work ethic. I had to turn up and be there six nights a week.”

Queen Latifah的第一笔工资

Queen Latifah拿到第一笔工资88块钱美金的时候简直不能相信扣税扣掉这么多,心想拼死拼活做结果才88快钱?不过毕竟是自己的第一笔工资,拿了一部分给老妈,接着很高兴地拿着剩下的去购物咯。


Queen Latifah
“I remember getting my first check. I couldn’t believe how much taxes were taken out. I think the check was, like, $88 bucks. I was like, ‘Oh, my god. All that work for $88 bucks.’ But I was happy. I think I gave some to my mom. And then I probably went shopping with the rest of it.”

Quentin Tarantino影院带位

Quentin Tarantino的第一份工作是在南加州一家影院的领位员,他过去以为这是一份美差,可以整天呆在电影院里头免费看电影,实际做的时候呢,却发觉压根儿顾不上电影好坏了,因为看得都厌啦。


Quentin Tarantino
One of his first jobs was as an usher at an adult theater in Southern California.
"To me, the greatest job a person could ever have is being an usher at a movie theater. You get to go to a movie theater all day long, and then you get to see all the movies for free. Irony of ironies, I end up getting a job at a movie theater where I could care less about the movies and was totally bored by them."

Mark Burnett两年男保姆

出品了《幸存者》、《学徒》等一系列知名顶尖真人秀节目的Mark Burnett刚到美国的时候他一个朋友是在比弗利山庄当司机的,而他自己的工作更好玩,居然是照顾小孩子。当时他以为自己两个礼拜就能熬出头了,实际上这男保姆一当就是两年。


Mark Burnett
As one of the top reality show producers in the world (Survivor, The Apprentice), his past isn’t nearly as glamorous.
“When I arrived [in America] a friend of mine had a chauffeur job in Beverly Hills and it seemed like an easy thing, except for there were no jobs. The only position I could get was childcare. I thought I"d do it for two weeks. It was two years later before I moved on from nanny.”

律师Gerard Butler

Gerard Butler曾经在爱丁堡一家传统的公司当律师,当得心不甘情不愿。被炒鱿鱼的时候仿佛世界末日。然后他就去演戏了,这才是他一直想做的事情。回头想想如果当初不是这样,现在又会如何呢?

双语:《P.S. I Love You》教你写甜蜜情书

Gerard Butler
“I was trying to be a lawyer in a very traditional Edinburgh firm, but I hated it. Finally, they let me go—which was the worst day of my life. But I went straight off to act, which is what I’d always wanted to do. Now I think, "If that hadn"t happened, where would I be?’”

相关热点: 电影世界 流行音乐 英语翻译 生态英文怎么说

