
职场商务 2019-12-02 22:10:45 职场商务
[摘要]Whether you get hired for a new job, promoted, or reassigned to a new position, you will most likely


Whether you get hired for a new job, promoted, or reassigned to a new position, you will most likely have a new boss. Each time that happens, you must develop a new professional relationship with the person you rely on for direction, development, and future advancement. You need to quickly determine if this new boss is a good match for you and your career goals. But how can you tell? Try these five questions.

1. Does your boss showcase your work?

If you"re not sure, you could ask him, "What leadership opportunities will I have in my job?" If he says something like, "There"s only one leader here -- me," you may have what I call a "Suppressor Boss." A boss who replies, "We"re all leaders here; you"ll be in charge of projects that need your expertise," will have no problem appreciating your role and contribution.



2. Does your boss solve problems?

Try asking, "How should I escalate problems to you when I think you need to get involved?" If she insists you must solve your issue alone, then she could be a "Confounder Boss" who ignores problems, which makes them worse. A good boss might say, "Give me detailed examples; I"ll determine the cause and work with managers at my level to correct the issues."



3. Does your boss let you complete your work?

When in doubt, try asking him or her when you can start handling tasks from start to finish. If the answer is, "I"m a hands-on manager; we do everything as a team," you"ve got trouble. This is a "Player Boss" who does parts of your job he likes and leaves problems for you. If you hear, "Tell me when you think you"re ready; I"ll give you guidelines and be available only when you need me," you"ll know your boss trusts your skills.



4. Does your boss listen to your suggestions?

If not, tell her that when she cuts you off you wonder if she values your opinion. A reply like, "I have the final word," could mean she"s a "Manipulator Boss." A good boss will say something like, "I"m sorry, I wasn"t aware I was doing that. Please bring it to my attention next time it happens." A good boss always listens attentively.



5. Does your boss treat you and your co-workers equally?

If you notice preferential treatment among your co-workers, try asking your boss, "What measurements will you use to evaluate my job performance?" If he says, "Every case is different; I use my judgment," he could be a "Dumbfounder Boss" who uses the wrong measures to evaluate job performance. A better answer, like, "Your work will be evaluated according to the documented standards we"ve already agreed upon," will signal your boss"s fairness.



Listening skills, problem-solving, a sense of fairness, and an ability to trust are just some of the hallmarks of a good boss. A good employee will learn to spot and appreciate those attributes, and then move toward building a mutually successful relationship.



相关热点: 求职集训 牛津小学英语二年级


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