
英美剧 2019-12-10 21:23:53 英美剧
[摘要]【青春密语】第1季第1集 Part 2BOY1: I hate that guy I hate him Look at him Now hes hitting on her GIRL: Why文化娱乐英美剧


【青春密语】第1季第1集 Part 2

BOY1: I hate that guy. I hate him. Look at him. Now he"s hitting on her.

GIRL: Why are you so obsessed with Grace Bowman? OK, why are you so obsessed with Grace Bowman?

BOY2: -Uh -

BOY1: Because she"s Grace Bowman. She"s a goddess.

GIRL: She"s not a goddess. She"s a Christian. You are not a Christian.

BOY1: I would become a Christian if I could have Grace Bowman.

GIRL: If by "have," you mean have sex with, that would be impossible. She doesn"t have sex. She"s not gonna have sex until she"s married, especially with you, or you, even if you became a Christian.

BOY1: Why wouldn"t she have sex with me even if I became a Christian?

GIRL: "Cause you"re you, and she"s Grace Bowman. She"s a goddess.

BOY1: What are my chances with someone who"s not gonna wait until they get married?

GIRL: 25% percent of guys your age are having sex.

BOY2: Guys?

GIRL: He"s a guy, isn"t he?

BOY2: He"s not looking for a guy. What do you know about 15-year-old... gals?

GIRL: 20%, and I appreciate your obvious avoidance of the word "girls."

BOY1: That"s encouraging.

GIRL: Maybe. Not. 29% percent of sexually active 15- to 17-year-old girls have partners three to five years older.

BOY1: All right, well, I"ve gotta start somewhere. Where do you think I should start?

GIRL: Hmm...Maybe there.

BOY1: She"s kinda cute. Who is that?

GIRL: Her name is Amy. She plays French horn. She"s in the band. She"s smart, she"s nice. She might be desperate enough to go out with you.

BOY2: No one"s that desperate.

BOY1: You wanna bet?

GIRL: Why does it have to be a bet?

BOY2: Why not?

GIRL: "Cause, one, you always lose, and, two, it objectifies Amy, who"s a person, not a horse. Three, because winning is an obsession with Ben, and he will stop at nothing.

BOYS: It"s a bet.

1.【hit on sb】偶然碰到, 在这里指调情。
2.【be obsessed with sb】 对某人痴迷。对话后边出现的【obsession】是其名词,表一项痴迷的事。
3.【gal】—alliterative term for girl (or woman),口语中表示女子,姑娘,和前面用来指男性的guy形成对照(好比男人和女人对照,男孩和女孩对照)。BOY2避免在该场合使用girl, 转而使用了gal, 可能是想掩饰自己对此问题的过分关注,或者回避girl 在口语中的其他意思,例如女人,女朋友,情人。
4.【objectify sb】意为 具体化,这里指“意淫”,引申为“侵犯”
5.【stop at nothing】不择手段,不顾一切

相关热点: 美剧 英语口语练习 英语听力 英语口语 日常口语


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