
英语新闻 2019-12-24 23:16:05 英语新闻
[摘要]Rick Guidotti, a former fashion photographer and founder of the nonprofit organization Positive Expo


Rick Guidotti, a former fashion photographer and founder of the nonprofit organization Positive Exposure, took this photo of Lauren in Sydney, Australia. Her sister has albinism as well but chooses to dye her hair and eyelashes. Even within the same family support system, issues of self acceptance may vary. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)
展现自己最真实的外在和自我,这也许就是Positive Exposure的镜头所追寻的吧

This mom from the West African country of Mali walked two days to get information to help her daughter, who has albinism. Their death rate is higher in African countries, where intense sunlight can cause skin cancers among those who are fair-skinned. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)

In the South Pacific island nation of Fiji, people with albinism are revered and have historically held high-ranking positions within the community. Mere is shown here with her children. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)

Pranish gets lots of love and support from her community in India, but she is very shy. Providing her with imagery of albinism has been part of a continued effort to help the child see herself in a more positive light. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)

One New Jersey mother approached Positive Exposure "s founder , Rick Guidotti , at a conference and insisted her son didn"t want to be photographed. The boy had been teased at school, but now, at 16, he feels more confident. Today, he shares his experience with other high school students, networking and role modeling for others with albinism. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)

In this community in South Africa, students were afraid to touch other children with albinism for fear of contracting a disease. But after some explanation and presenting photos of others from around the world, Rick Guidotti saw children instantly "grabbing and kissing and squeezing" these children with affection. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)

In Mali, Siri was born with albinism and thrown out of her house by her father, who thought she would curse the family. Her mother, ignorant of the condition, attempted to darken her by putting the child in the sun, which damaged her skin. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)

This New Zealand girl had always wanted to be a dancer but was told she could not realize her dream because of albinism. One of the myths about the condition is that it causes blindness. Though visually impaired, all those with albinism have sight. Today, she is a dance champion and has opened her own dance school. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)

Chrystine is the first model with albinism with whom Positive Exposure photographer Rick Guidotti worked. Today, she works on a farm in Oregon with special needs children. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)

This South African girl attends a school for the blind in Johannesburg, as do most other children with albinism. In the United States, advocates encourage mainstreaming to avoid discrimination. (Rick Guidotti for Positive Exposure)

相关热点: 小学三年级下册


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