
英语新闻 2019-12-24 23:16:05 英语新闻
[摘要]South Africas President Jacob Zuma announced new policies to tackle the countrys AIDS epidemic 南非


South Africa"s President Jacob Zuma announced new policies to tackle the country"s AIDS epidemic.

On World AIDS Day, Zuma spoke of "the dawn of a new era" in a speech where he took a markedly different approach from his predecessor, Thabo Mbeki, who had questioned the link between HIV and AIDS.

Speaking in the country"s capital, Pretoria, Zuma announced policies that would see more people treated for HIV, including treatment for all HIV-positive babies under the age of one. He also announced a campaign to mobilize all South Africans to be tested for HIV.

"We need extraordinary measures to reverse the trends we are seeing in the health profile of our people," he said.

The UN has estimated that 5.7 million South Africans have HIV, more than any other country in the world, and Zuma acknowledged that the disease is responsible for falling life expectancy in the country.

He compared the fight against AIDS to the struggle for liberation against apartheid and said he would be tested for HIV himself as part of the new campaign.

It marks a departure from previous government attitudes towards HIV. Mbeki"s health minister had recommended that people with HIV eat garlic to combat the infection.

A 2008 Harvard study estimated that more than 330,000 South Africans died prematurely of AIDS earlier this decade because the government failed to embrace widely accepted AIDS medications.

Zuma did not say how his government would fund the increased HIV treatment, but the United States has announced it is giving South Africa $120 million over the next two years for AIDS treatment drugs.

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