
英语阅读 2020-01-04 17:04:48 英语阅读
[摘要]This Day In HistorySunday morning, December 7, 1941 - peace time tranquility in the Hawaiian Islands



This Day In History

Sunday morning, December 7, 1941 - peace time tranquility in the Hawaiian Islands explodes at Pearl Harbor. Planes from 6 Japanese carriers freely bombed the harbor"s __1__.

Naval intelligence had considered such a __2__, but most men taking a customary weekend off, defense was spirited, but hopeless.

Within 2 hours the fleet is rendered useless as a striking force. 6 of 8 battleships __3__ or severely damaged, 3 destroyers ravaged, 7 more ships sunk or __4__, half the island"s aircraft __5__, 2,400 men dead and 1,200 wounded.

Japan"s losses: __6___.



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