联合太平洋铁路_太平洋联合馆馆长访问世博局 全面推进装修布展工作

英语阅读 2020-01-10 21:41:37 英语阅读
[摘要]世博网12月9日消息:12月8日,上海世博会太平洋联合馆馆长波娜戴特•佳妮洛(Bernadette Ganilau)访问世博局。 波娜戴特•佳妮洛专程视察了太平洋联合馆,对世博会组织者为太平洋各岛国


世博网12月9日消息:12月8日,上海世博会太平洋联合馆馆长波娜戴特•佳妮洛(Bernadette Ganilau)访问世博局。


Bernadette Ganilau, director of the joint pavilion for Pacific Oceania nations at next year"s Expo, yesterday received technical documents related to the pavilion on behalf of 16 participants from Pacific Oceania islands.

Exhibition arrangements inside the pavilion will be finished in early April.

Ganilau inspected the pavilion built by the organizer yesterday and expressed her satisfaction.

The 8,100-square-meter pavilion will host exhibitions by Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Tonga, Micronesia, Samoa, Fiji, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Nauru and Niue as well as the South Pacific Tourism Organization and the Pacific Islands Forum.

The pavilion will showcase the beauty of the Pacific countries, their unique culture and sustainable lifestyle. Its theme is "Pacific Ocean - Spring of Inspiration."


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