美国偶像评委_美国偶像David Archuleta的优美圣诞旋律

英语文化 2020-01-16 23:06:35 英语文化
[摘要]沪江英乐讯   2008年第七届歌唱真人秀节目“美国偶像”(American Idol)超人气亚军David Archuleta于2009年10月13日发行了自己的第二张个人大碟《Christmas文化娱乐英乐


沪江英乐讯   2008年第七届歌唱真人秀节目“美国偶像”(American Idol)超人气亚军David Archuleta于2009年10月13日发行了自己的第二张个人大碟《Christmas from the Heart》。在这张新专辑中David Archuleta翻唱了多首经典的圣诞歌曲,其中也是专辑里唯一的一首原创歌曲《Melodies of Christmas》由David Archuleta创作,专辑发行后在美国专辑榜排名第30,美国节日专辑榜位居亚军。

Artist:David Archuleta
Song:Melodies of Christmas

There"s something in the melodies that the Christmas season brings.
Joy and laughter in the air, smiling faces everywhere.
All familiar melodies, bring back special memories.
They remind us, they remind us.

Merrily the choir sounds, spreading christmas joy around.
Filling hearts with cheer, may it last through all the year.
Happy Christmas melodies, bring back faded memories.
They remind us, they remind us.

Join us and sing, the sounds of heaven and nature ring.
With family, rocking around the Christmas tree.
Carols of hope, of the greatest story ever told. (Sing the melodies of Christmas)
Sing the melodies of Christmas.

There"s something about the melodies, of Santa Claus and Christmas trees.
Favorite songs of Nat and Bing,
Elvis, Josh, and Celine.
It"s the special time of year, bringing friends and family near.
To remind us, of love and kindness.


Joyful messages you may find, peace and happiness through all mankind.
In the melodies an offering, of the love that flows from the Heavenly King.
Of the love that flows from the Heavenly King.

Raise your voice, let us sing.
It"s the message that these songs can bring.
"Round the fire, "round the tree,
singing carols merrily.
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas.

One more melody to sing at Christmas, one more memory of Christmas cheer.
Old familiar melodies, bring back special memories.

Raise your voice, let us sing.
It"s the message that these songs can bring.
"Round the fire, "round the tree,
singing carols merrily.
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas.

Filling hearts with Christmas cheer, may it last through all the year.
Something in the melodies, that the Christmas season brings.
Joy and laughter in the air, smiling faces everywhere.

Happy Christmas melodies, bring back faded memories.


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