【圣诞之吻】圣诞必备甜酒 DIY秘方大公开!(双语)

英语文化 2020-02-01 12:56:13 英语文化
[摘要]How to Make Mulled Wine?如何制作圣诞甜酒?Mulled wine has been enjoyed for thousands of years; now its a hol能力提升英语文化


How to Make Mulled Wine?

Mulled wine has been enjoyed for thousands of years; now it"s a holiday tradition. It"s simply wine that"s been slightly sweetened and spiced, but there are a few tricks to making it well.

Things You"ll Need: * 2/3 c. sugar * 1750ml bottle wine * 1/2 c. brandy * 6 to 8 cloves * 1 cinnamon stick * orange peel from 1/2 orange
准备材料: * 2/3杯糖 * 1750毫升红葡萄酒 * 1/2杯白兰地 * 6到8片丁香 * 一支肉桂 * 1/2个橙子皮

Step 1: Pour the wine into a saucepan and place over low heat.

Step 2:Cut the zest off half an orange with a sharp paring knife or vegetable peeler so that only the orange part is removed. If some of the bitter white pith is still attached to the zest, cut it off and discard it.

Step 3:Lightly pound the pieces of zest with the back of a knife or a mallet to release the aromatic oils. Add the zest to the wine. Squeeze some juice in, too.

Step 4:Add the remaining ingredients.

Step 5:Stir occasionally. Do not let the wine come to a boil.

Step 6:When the wine begins to steam and is very hot, it is ready to serve.

Step 7:Shut off the heat and ladle the wine out into mugs or glasses, leaving the seasonings behind.


相关热点: 美食英语 节日 畅谈世界文化


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