
英语阅读 2020-02-01 12:56:13 英语阅读
[摘要]据知情人士透露,苹果正在向包括哥伦比亚广播公司和迪士尼公司在内的多家美国电视网络运营商示好,希望在明年推出一项网络电视节目订购服务。Apple is courting owners of US tel


Apple is courting owners of US television networks, including CBS and Walt Disney, in the hope of launching a subscription television service over the internet by next year, people familiar with the discussions said.
The service is expected to be offered over Apple"s iTunes digital entertainment store, which sells movies and TV shows, but does not offer them for a recurring monthly fee.
The debut of the service is among other entertainment and news services that the maker of the iPod and iPhone could offer on the “tablet” computer it is widely expected to launch imminently.

Magazine publishers Time Inc and Condé Nast have created prototype digital editions of their magazines for a new generation of handheld tablet devices from companies including Hewlett-Packard, Samsung and potentially Apple.

苹果还联系了其它广播公司和有线电视网络公司,包括时代华纳旗下的Turner Broadcasting System和维亚康姆。苹果的提议迄今为止尚未令这些公司信服。据行业高管称,苹果公司还向图书出版行业示好。
Apple has contacted other broadcast and cable networks, including Time Warner"s Turner Broadcasting System and Viacom, which have so far been unconvinced by Apple"s proposal. The computer maker has also courted the book publishing industry, sector executives say.

“The driver behind it [the tablet] will be content,” said Kathryn Huberty, a Morgan Stanley analyst.
Apple is preparing an announcement next month that many anticipate will be the official unveiling of its tablet, but the company has so far declined to confirm the existence of the device. Wall Street analysts expect mass production of an Apple tablet to begin as early as February.

Executives close to the discussions fear Apple"s possible TV service could undermine the lucrative economics of the pay television industry, where basic networks such as MTV collect a fee per subscriber from distributors such as cable operators as well as selling advertising.

The business model, honed over three decades, has made cable networks one of the most resilient sectors of the media industry during the recession and was the chief reason why Comcast sought to take control of NBC Universal from General Electric this autumn.

Creating a new subscription service with Apple could upset distributors, these people said.

《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)报道称,据说苹果提供的电视广播网络将向每个订购用户收取2至4美元,基础有线网络将收取1至2美元的月租费。
Apple was said to be offering broadcast networks $2 to $4 per subscriber and basic cable networks $1 to $2 a month, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

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