
英语文化 2020-02-16 15:45:10 英语文化
[摘要]12月22日,京城文化名人洪晃的首个英文专栏落户国家级英文报纸《中国日报》(China Daily)。在这个名叫“中国时尚”(China chic)的栏目中,洪晃女士(Huang Hung)将针对文化娱乐电影


  12月22日,京城文化名人洪晃的首个英文专栏落户国家级英文报纸《中国日报》(China Daily)。在这个名叫“中国时尚”(China chic)的栏目中,洪晃女士(Huang Hung)将针对影视、时尚、文化界的热点现象,提出自己犀利独到的观点。

  西方主流媒体曾多次采访洪晃女士,报道她对中国文化和社会的见解。她的英文专栏势必将她的声音传到更多英语世界的读者,帮助他们全面准确地了解变化中 的中国。刊登的首篇专栏文章,标题非常俏皮,叫做“Mo is no Mo’”,第一个Mo是指老谋子,第二个Mo是more的俚语,连在一起的意思是“老谋子不行了”。但文章结尾,她的结论是“Mo is still Mo。”(老谋子终究是老谋子。)


  Mo is no Mo"

  By Huang Hung (China Daily)

  The Mighty seemed to have fallen in December 2009. The release of Zhang Yimo"s latest picture has caused a serious wave of Mo trashing on the Internet. As one netizen put it on Sina"s twitter: "Mo is no Mo"."

  I must say, it is fun to watch the mighty fall, and I have done my fair share of twittering on the subject as well. The truth is, no one wanted to say anything bad about him for 18 months; after all, he is the Chinese creative wunderkind who dazzled the world with the Olympic Opening Ceremony. The nation rallied behind him and he delivered, the show was amazing, and everyone - I mean just everyone - was terribly pleased。

  So what went wrong with Mo"s latest film? On the surface: Nothing. It should have been another crowd pleaser. The script is an adaptation of the Coen Brothers" 1984 film Blood Simple, Mo and his producer paid good money for the rights of the re-make. This action alone should have pleased the more intellectual critics of the director; the fact that he did the right thing in terms of copyright, and picked a script by the Coen Brothers, definitely Hollywood"s less commercial strand of creative power。

  San Qiang (Three Shots) as the film is known, brings together a list of China"s most celebrated comedians. To start with, there is Xiao Shenyang, the 2009 CCTV New Year Gala comedy sensation. It seems that all he has to do is open his mouth, and the Chinese are already laughing. Why? Because he is so cheap, as one twitterer commented。

  And then there is Xiao Shengyang"s shifu (teacher), Zhao Benshan, a veteran comedian that Chinese TV audiences have loved for the past 20 years. As if that"s not enough, Mo has thrown in Sun Honglei, China"s leading man who has also an untainted record from both his TV and film work. And last, but certainly not the least, there is Mo himself。

  Great script, star-studded cast, the most renowned Chinese filmmaker of all times, and plenty of cash. Sounds like a recipe for a blockbuster. But instead, it turned out to be one of the most hated films of 2009. What happened?

  The problem, as one critic has pointed out, is that a film is not the Olympic Opening Ceremony, nor is it the New Year Gala on CCTV. Trying to please everyone may be the task of massive telecasted events, but not the task of a film. Mo"s problem is he tried too hard to please everyone。

  AGAIN. This time, unfortunately, he pleased no one. Coen Brothers fans, who are usually not Mo fans, probably hated how Mo simply massacred the original script and messed up the adaptation. TV Gala audiences went into the theater expecting their favorite comedians performing in a Mo film, and not repeating punch lines that are at least one year old。

  As for fans of Sun, the leading man, for most of the film, his handsome head is covered with a helmet and he had no more than five lines and couple of grunting sounds in the entire film. And for all those Mo fans, who love the imperial pomposity of Zhang Yimo films, will be sorely disappointed that their beloved emperors and warriors are replaced a bunch of small-time hoodlums who run a noodle shop in the middle of nowhere。

  So, it"s like the master chef with all the right ingredients spoils the soup by over-cooking it. No wonder people are wondering whether Zhang Yimo is too spent after the Olympic Ceremony. But great creative talents are known for making horrible mistakes; every director probably has at least one film whose every negative he would like to singe。

  At the end of day, Mo is still Mo。

  (The official spelling of the director is Zhang Yimou, but the Chinese press often calls him Old Mo. The Chinese title of his new movie is Three Gunshots, but the English title is renamed A Simple Noodle Story。)





  而张艺谋的新片出了什么问题?表面上来看没有丝毫差池。它本来应当成为一部为群众所喜闻乐见的贺岁佳作。这部作品是从1982年科恩兄弟 (Coen Brothers)的作品《血迷宫》(Blood Simple)改编而来,张艺谋与制片人张卫平为这部翻拍之作投入了大量的人力物力财力。他在选择了好莱坞低成本独立制作作为改编的原料,这一举动本该为 这位导演迎来评论界的好评。





  而可悲的是,他没有取悦到任何一个人。那些痴迷科恩兄弟的人们也许只会对张艺谋肆意的改编原作而感到不悦。而广大电视观众在电影院并没有得到自 己想要的东西。他们所希望的是自己喜欢的喜剧演员们在张艺谋的电影里面出彩的表演,而不是将一年前春节晚会上的东西再拿出来翻炒一一遍。



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