
英语词汇 2020-02-17 19:37:13 英语词汇
[摘要]Isaac Newtons Scribbled Prediction 牛顿弥留之际的预言He introduced the world to the laws of motion and unive


Isaac Newton"s Scribbled Prediction 牛顿弥留之际的预言
He introduced the world to the laws of motion and universal gravitation, but in reality these were the pursuits of a young man. In fact, Newton spent the bulk of his life as an apocalyptic thinker who scoured the Bible looking for insight into the end of the world. Although he had expressly avoided putting a date to his interpretations, in 2003, news hit that on one occasion he did. Near the end of his life, in an offhand calculation written on the back of an envelope, he suggested the year 2060.这位物理大师,或者说末日预言家,其生命中的大部分时间,不是用来研究地心引力,而是孜孜不倦地在圣经中寻找有关世界末日的真言。虽然他避免提出一个确切的末日日期,2003年的一则新闻指出他其实已经这么做了。在他生命的最后时刻,牛顿在一个信封的背面做了一个临时计算,将日期定在了2060年。

The Witch Hunter"s Predictions “女巫终结者”的预言
The Puritan preacher Cotton Mather might have been good at stirring up anti-witch sentiment, but the man was a flop when it came to predicting the end of the world.Mather gave his flock no fewer than four such dates, beginning with the year 1697.
清教徒Cotton Mather热衷于煽动民众对女巫的憎恨心理,但他本人在预言世界末日方面却不怎么在行。他一共提出了四个日期,第一个是1697年。

When 1697 came and went, he fiddled with the numbers and arrived at 1736. Likely realizing this was too far in the future to pay him any dividends, he revised it to 1716. When that year came and went, he shifted it ahead to 1717. He should have considered himself lucky that he hadn"t been accused of stupidity and hanged like a witch. Instead, he kept insisting that the end was imminent, only quitting in 1728 when death itself succeeded in silencing him.

The Third Fuzzy Secret 第三个不能说的秘密
In 1917, 10-year-old Portuguese peasant Lucia Santos, along with her two cousins, claimed that they were being visited by a hazy, chatty image of the Virgin Mary. 
1917年,十岁的葡萄牙女孩Lucia Santos和她两个堂兄弟声称,一个形貌模糊、酷似圣母玛利亚的人拜访了他们,并聊了很多。

Over a decade later, Lucia began writing her memoirs, in which she said, for the first time, that the ghost had imparted to her three secret predictions, the third of which was so horrible that it was kept from the public for almost seven decades -- plenty of time for rampant public speculation, which leaned toward the idea that it foretold the end of the world. The secret was revealed in 2000, it was so vague that it could be read to predict the end of anything, from the end of the world to the end of 8-tracks.

The Great Disappointment 失望的预言家
This is not only the best name in the long history of eschatology, it"s the only name that should ever be used.

Baptist preacher William Miller led his flock into 1844 on the wings of a poignant dream: that the Second Coming was imminent. Although Miller was reluctant to offer an actual date, he eventually relented, agreeing to October 22, 1844. By the following day, the Millerite movement was as good as dead.
浸信会牧师William Miller传道时宣称,基督再临的日子已经近了。虽然他不愿意透露具体日期,最终还是松口了,确定基督再临就在1844年的十月二十二日。不过第二天,由他发起的这场骚乱就彻底结束了。

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