
英语文化 2020-02-25 11:23:30 英语文化
[摘要]Eason Chan crowned King of CantopopEason Chan was crowned Most Popular Male Artist at the annual mu文化娱乐英乐


Eason Chan crowned King of Cantopop

Eason Chan was crowned Most Popular Male Artist at the annual music awards held by Hong Kong Commerical Radio, probably the biggest event for Hong Kong"s pop music industry.

The pop giant also received four other awards, including one for Song of the Year. On the other hand, pop queen Joey Yung only received one award despite a high profile year of successful singles. According to Sing Tao Daily, angry Joey fans have been complaining online about how they suspect the results are rigged. Shocking.

Held on the first day of each year, Commercial Radio"s music awards are based on airplay. The full results are below, a playlist for the soundtrack of Hong Kong teenagers" lives right now (unofficial translations of song titles):

Gold Song Awards
1. Eason Chan: 700 Years Later (七百年後)
2. RubberBand: Apollo (阿波羅)
3. Jason Chan: You Hide I Hide (你瞞我瞞)
4. Hins Cheung: Yes & No
5. Leo Ku: Earth Is Very Dangerous (地球很危險)
6. Miriam Yeung: Turns Out I"m Really Happy (原來過得很快樂)
7. Sherman Chung: A Letter To Myself (給自己的信)
8. Kay Tse: Song Of The Year (年度之歌)
9. Juno Mak: Weak 3000 (弱水三千)
10. Denise Ho: Nicole (妮歌)

Male Singer:
Gold Award: Eason Chan
Silver Award: Hins Cheung
Bronze Award: Khalil Fong

Female Singer:
Gold Award: Joey Yung
Silver Award: Kay Tse
Bronze Award: Fiona Sit


“劲爆Music World新城劲爆颁奖礼2009”今晚举行,一如往年,新城又向歌手们派出一百四十多个奖项,好让大家齐齐拆礼物。今年陈奕迅及容祖儿分别瓜分六个奖项,成为大赢家。蔡卓妍(阿Sa)则夺五奖,至于古巨基、杨千嬅、张敬轩、谢安琪及锺舒漫则夺四奖。而曹格虽然之前受打架新闻困扰,都获得三奖。颁奖礼开始时,新城播出已故流行天王米迈克尔杰克逊的片段,以示向他致敬。接着今年一众的新人轮流献唱,之后歌手们陆续出场。仪式后,歌手们走到台下就坐,绯闻男女陈奕迅与谢安琪的座位距离不远,中间只隔着千嬅,但二人很少交流;而另一对绯闻男女林峰及锺嘉欣则一齐坐。张继聪得奖时,台下的谢安琪表现开心。


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