
零基础英语 2020-03-22 11:02:50 零基础英语
[摘要]【青春密语】第1季第1集 Part 4 笑点 1BEN- I just want in the band I love music Ive always wanted to play an


【青春密语】第1季第 1集 Part 4

笑点 1

BEN- I just want in the band. I love music. I"ve always wanted to play an instrument. Oh, and those uniforms are insane. Those epaulets? Who came up with those?
MARK-You"re not trying to get out of gym, are you?
B- Gym? I would get off gym if I joined the band? What does one have to do with the other?
M- Both are considered physical activity.
B- Oh. Well, I know some students in the band who are engaging in a lot of physical activity. The drummer. Others, not so much.


Ben决定参加鼓乐队,一是为了逃避体育课,二是为了 接近吹法国号的Amy。但是辅导员识破了Ben那套“I love music”的把戏,认为他是为逃避体育课而要加入鼓乐队的。Ben假装热爱音乐的托词,还有阴谋被识破后装傻的话是本集的一大笑点。Ps. 最后说到了“鼓手”——【the drummer】,看过此剧的朋友可能会听出编剧是在影射某人的吧!

【what does one have to do with the other?】
——注释:【have to do with】与…有关,与【one+ the other】连用的方式常常出现。这句是Ben被识破后装傻的话。

笑点 2

M- Just tell me why you want in the band.
B- I"ve been rejected by the French horn player, a certain Amy...something or other. Therefore I"ve decided that I"m in love with her and cannot live without her. Ergo, I must take up an instrument and join the band. So what do ya say? Not that I don"t relish the opportunity to climb the ropes and jump over the horses in gym, but love calls, and I must answer.


Ben在辅导员的追问下,只说出了一个原因,那就是因 为自己被Amy拒绝,所以才想加入鼓乐队借以接近Amy。那句【not that】引导的“我不是不珍惜爬绳梯、跳木马的机会”,不仅讽刺了一下无聊的体育课,也能从中看出Ben仍在隐瞒自己逃避体育课的初衷。而Ben口中对 爱情天花乱坠的渲染,也能看出此时此刻对Ben来说,逃避体育课似乎比追求Amy更有价值。

【love calls, and I must answer.】
——注释:大家应该听说过【Nature calls】的用法吧,字面直译虽是“当大自然在呼唤”,实际是指“要上厕所”的意思。【love calls】中的Call的用法和前者相同。


B-How long would it take to learn to play the cymbal?
M- I don"t know, but I think it"s called cymbals, and as easy as it looks, I would think you"d still have to learn to read music so you"d know when to smack "em together.
B- Fine. I-I"ll do it.



笑点 4

M-Why do you even have to be in the band? Why can"t you just call this woman up and ask her out?
B-Because, as you mentioned earlier, now I kill two birds with one stone. I get a shot at the chick, plus I get outta P.E. Hey, but if you can take a compliment, I think you"re making progress. I like the suggestion just to call her. Now, I"m not a phone guy, but I like that you"d suggest something so practical and personal.


辅导员建议与其加入鼓乐队,不如直接约Amy出 来。Ben这才说出一箭双雕的阴谋,还说是经辅导员提醒。而最后Ben还大言不惭的点评了辅导员的建议很【practical and personal】,实在是很可爱。不过Mark这样的辅导员老师真是很难得。

【to kill two birds with one stone】——大意:一箭双雕,一举两得。

笑点 5

B- could I have a condom?
M- For what?
B- Ha. You"re gonna need to know what a condom"s for if you"re gonna make it at this job, Mark.
M- Get outta my office. I"ll find the band director.


美国高中的辅导员【counsellor】,就是解决 学生在校生活问题的人,在其办公室可以领到免费的【condom】。Ben向其索取,而辅导员却问【for what】,不是在问避孕套是做什么用的,而是在反问“你都没有女朋友,要避孕套有什么用?”而Ben却无厘头地责怪了一通辅导员老师,说他竟然不知道。 看来文弱书生似的Ben也是个难缠的高中生啊。

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