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四六级英语 2020-03-27 10:27:58 四六级英语
[摘要]Ever since the Gravedigger buried Brennan and Hodgins alive back in Bones  season two, fans have文化娱乐电影


Ever since the Gravedigger buried Brennan and Hodgins alive back in "Bones"  season two, fans have begged for justice to be served.

The "Bones" powers-that-be haven"t exactly turned a deaf ear to their calls, finally unmasking and catching the culprit last season (after she kidnapped Booth and left him for dead).

But after torturing so many of "Bones"" beloved characters, we"d like to see the woman really pay.

So when show creator Hart Hanson teased at Comic-Con that the beginning of season five would bring not only a trial for the Gravedigger, but also reveal the contents of the letter Brennan wrote when she thought she was about to die, fans were understandably excited.

But seeing as the "Bones" crew will soon be preparing for the final stretch of the season -- and we"ve yet to hear anything more than a few cryptic tweets on the Gravedigger subject from executive producer Stephen Nathan -- KTV decided to investigate.

"We"re exploring that [episode] idea because the Gravedigger, as the fans know, was set free," Stephen explains in the clip below. "And we"re thinking there might be an attempt at trying to bring her to justice. To get rid of her once and for all. Whether that will be successful or not, we"re not sure."

And what about that infamous letter? Most fans assume it was written to Booth, but Nathan was very coy on the subject.

"We"re asking Brennan if we can see the letter, but she"s not forthcoming," he joked. "Brennan won"t tell us anything about it. We keep asking her. We even asked Emily [Deschanel, who plays Brennan] to ask her. We keep begging her for the answer. I don"t know if she"s telling us the truth or not."

We"re guessing they"ll get the truth out of Brennan eventually. But rest assured, the Gravedigger is not a subject the writer-producers have forgotten about.

However, the rumored "40s-style, black-and-white ep we"ve been hearing about might not be as prominent in their minds at the moment.

"That might be [happening], but in truth, we"re still working out the remainder of the season," Nathan said. "That might be something that we"re going to re-examine next year, because we have a lot of big episodes [coming up] and we want to really do justice to the end of the season and we don"t want to do anything that could compromise that."

Big episodes?

"Big emotional episodes," he said. "After the 100th episode, Booth and Brennan"s relationship will be different. And so we"ll be exploring where they go after that episode."

Since "different" could be either a good or a bad thing, we asked for further clarification. Will the 100th leave Booth and Brennan on angry, non-speaking terms?

"No, they"ll be talking to each other," he assured us. "Looking at each other differently, I would say. I"ve got to be cryptic."

Cryptic, indeed.
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