
四六级英语 2020-03-29 15:14:39 四六级英语



They arrived to a celebrity"s welcome. Tai Shan and Mei Lan were unloaded from the FedEx Panda Express before throngs of photographers and tight security.

But their fame in China won last long. As their transition to normal life at breeding centers in Sichuan province, they head straight to quarantee where experts say it will take time to adjust to their new home and bamboo diet. They may even have jet lag.

"It"s a change and an animal needs to adapt. But this is a right age to change."

Mei Lan will get a Chinese tutor to teach commands in Sichuan dialect. The public is voting for her boyfriend-to-be online. Male panda Yong Yong has a comfortable lead. They"ll have blind dates, watch panda porn to get in the mood and hopefully make lots of babies.

But baby talk aside, they"ve more than fulfilled their diplomatic obligations as good-will embassadors to the Untied States, capturing the hearts of panda fans on Panda Cams across the country. This Youtube video of cub Tai Shan"s sneeze got more than 51 million hits.

"China"s tradition of giving Pandas as diplomatic gifts to other countries dates back more than a thousand years. During the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese gave the first set of pandas to the Japanese emperor. In 1972, after president Nixon"s historic visit to China, Mao Zedong sent the first set of pandas to the United States."

"It"s a good way to communicate with people around the world." this woman says."They help Americans understand China better."

In the mid-80s, China decided to stop giving pandas away, but loan them in exchange for millions of dollars toward panda conservation efforts. The time for Tai Shan and Mei Lan in the US was always temporary, but still an effective political tour.

"If an animal can bring friendship or understanding to each other or even calm down the disputes, why not? It"s a good thing to do."

At the moment, tension in US-China relations is building over a meeting between president Obama and Dalai Lama, US arms sales to Taiwan and Google"s threat to pull out of China. But regardless of politics, there"s nothing like cute pandas to soften the mood whether they are in the US or China.


throng: a large group of people in one place 聚集的人群;一大群人
jet lag: the tired and confused feeling that you can get after flying a very long distance, especially because of the difference in time between the place you left and the place you arrived at 时差
comfortable: if you have a comfortable win or lead, you win or are leading by a large amount 相当大的;易取胜的
cub: the baby of a wild animal such as a lion or a bear 幼兽,崽





相关热点: 品牌听力 读书笔记


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