[gossipgirl第三季百度影音]GossipGirl第三季第17集分手片尾Make Believe试听

英美剧 2020-05-14 18:07:15 英美剧
[摘要]在没有什么能比被爱人出卖更痛心。绯闻女孩第三季第17集,从来都叫人闹心的BC两人又一次叫观众捶胸顿足、扼腕叹息。当泪眼朦胧的B心碎离去,响起的背景音乐是来自The Burned乐队的Make Beli文化娱乐英美剧


在没有什么能比被爱人出卖更痛心。绯闻女孩第三季第17集,从来都叫人闹心的BC两人又一次叫观众捶胸顿足、扼腕叹息。当泪眼朦胧的B心碎离去,响起的背景音乐是来自The Burned乐队的Make Believe,简短的歌词和忧伤的旋律,与剧情贴合地天衣无缝。

Make Believe
by The Burned

Who"s to know my world
And who"s to share my worry
Mountains rise and fall all the time
And it doesn"t mean a damn thing to God
So make believe in miracles instead

Who"s to show no fear
Then cast the first stone at the mirror
And break the spell you put on yourself
And crack your shell wide open again
And make believe in miracles my friends

Who"s to give everything
Just to serve what they believe in
Cause thats the way you play the game of life
You create the world you want to see outside
And remember what its like to play God
And make believe in miracles again
Make believe in miracles my friend

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题

相关热点: 美剧 英文歌曲 英语听力 绯闻女孩第一季 一般将来时练习题


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