识骨寻踪第五季剧情_识骨寻踪第五季第21集审判插曲Seen Enough

英美剧 2020-05-24 08:08:52 英美剧
[摘要]《识骨寻踪》第五季21集一改平日嘻嘻哈哈傻乎乎的调调,紧凑有张力得吊住观众的内心,法庭上是正义与邪恶的针锋相对,法庭外是主人公们的内心波动。审判之时响起背景音乐来自加拿大乐队Dryer的Seen En文化娱乐英美剧


《识骨寻踪》第五季21集一改平日嘻嘻哈哈傻乎乎的调调,紧凑有张力得吊住观众的内心,法庭上是正义与邪恶的针锋相对,法庭外是主人公们的内心波动。审判之时响起背景音乐来自加拿大乐队Dryer的Seen Enough,委婉小忧伤,很能反映Brennan的心境。

Seen Enough
by Dryer

I’ve seen enough to know
I’ve seen enough
Seen enough to know
Oh, my eyes remind me next time
So I keep them closed

I like to pine away for what I hate
It keeps me in the dark
Like a one-track mind
Don’t let me start
You keep me sharp

Once more into the crowd
Temptation wears you out
Go home your heart’s too loud
Always on

It’s no surprise that all the things
I like are making me a ghost
I should have never started killing time
I can’t go slow

Once more endure the crowd
Temptation wears you down
Go home your heart’s too loud
Always on

《识 骨寻踪》原创学习美剧使用口语学习笔记
相关热点: 美剧 英文歌曲 剑桥初级


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