
四六级英语 2020-05-26 22:11:19 四六级英语
[摘要]狗狗与我的十个约定 十四岁的少女齐藤明莉(福田麻由子 饰)收养了一只可爱的小狗,在妈妈的建议下她给小狗取名为“索克斯”,并和小狗定下“十个约定”。不久,妈妈去世,而身为医生的爸爸忙于工作,无暇多照顾



十四岁的少女齐藤明莉(福田麻由子 饰)收养了一只可爱的小狗,在妈妈的建议下她给小狗取名为“索克斯”,并和小狗定下“十个约定”。不久,妈妈去世,而身为医生的爸爸忙于工作,无暇多照顾 明莉,“索克斯”便成为明莉最忠实的玩伴。明莉在学校还有个梦想成为演奏家的朋友星进,当明莉因为爸爸工作调动搬家时,“索克斯”便寄养在星进家。可是星 进(佐藤祥太 饰)要去国外留学时,爸爸却因为急诊没有按时送他,明莉没能见到星进最后一面。为了弥补对女儿长期以来的亏欠,爸爸决定辞职开起了小诊所,“一家三口”又 重新生活在了一起。长大后的明莉开始了忙碌的生活,陪伴“索克斯”和爸爸的时间也越来越少。后来明莉(田中丽奈 饰)又遇见学成归来的星进(加濑亮 饰),两人还成为相爱的恋人。很快,距离初遇索克斯已过去十年,“索克斯”也走到了生命的尽头,这时,明莉又想起了当初与“索克斯”的十个约定……

One day a puppy comes to the house of Akari, who has just turned twelve, and was trying hard to act strong after her mother suddenly fell ill. She immediately falls in love with the puppy and names it "Socks" after the paws which looked like they had white socks on. Akari was together with Socks day and night. However, as Akari grows up, her feelings and interest moves away from Socks. Year by year, their distance grows, which also leads to her physical distance as she moves to a far off city, and must leave Socks behind to a childhood friend.One day Akari remembers the 10 promises that she had made with Socks and her deceased mother...





Harry Potter and the Philosopher"s Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling and featuring Harry Potter, a young wizard. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends, and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and with the help of his friends thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Voldemort, who killed Harry"s parents and tried to kill Harry when he was one year old.


爱丽斯始终被同一个梦魇所困扰,直到她20岁时参加的一场聚会。本认为是一场无聊至极的聚会而已,没想到却是精心策划的求婚仪式。面对养尊处优的公子哥哈米什突如其来的求婚,毫无准备的爱丽斯着实被吓了一跳。爱丽斯被一只身马甲的兔子所吸引,在追赶过程中爱丽斯掉入了一个深不见底的树洞里,来到了一个如同仙境般不可思议的“地下世界”。此时,生活在地下世界的善良人们似乎都在盼望着她的到来,可是她却认为这是一场梦,只想快点醒过来回到现实世界。然而,在认识疯疯癫癫的疯帽子之后,爱丽斯才知道地下世界正处于“红桃皇后”的血腥统治之下,按照“皇历”的预言,只是她才能帮助“白色皇后” ……

Alice in Wonderland is a 2010 fantasy adventure film directed by Tim Burton. In the film, Alice is now nineteen years old and accidentally returns to Underland (misheard by Alice and believed to be called Wonderland), a place she visited thirteen years previously. She is told that she is the only one who can slay the Jabberwocky, a dragon-like creature controlled by the Red Queen who terrorizes Underland"s inhabitants. Burton said the original Wonderland story was always about a girl wandering around from one weird character to another and he never felt a connection emotionally, so he wanted to make it feel more like a story than a series of events. He does not see this as a sequel to previous films, nor as a re-imagining.


Julien, an aging widower, is a passionate butterfly collector. Elsa, a nine-year-old girl, with her mother, just moved into his apartment building. The mother is usually away, and Elsa starts visiting Julien. One day, Julien decides to go to the Vercors plateau in search for a rare butterfly called Isabelle which can live for only 72 hours. Elsa decides to join his adventure, without telling him.

Julien grudgingly agrees to let her stay. During the search Julien eventually reveals butterfly collecting was a hobby of his son, who then died very young.

The story complicates when Elsa"s mother reports her daughter kidnapped.




Dorothy Gale, a 12-year-old farmgirl, longs for "a place where there isn"t any trouble", rather than her mundane Kansas farmhouse existence. After being knocked unconscious during a tornado by a window which has come loose from its frame, she begins to dream. In her dream, Dorothy, her dog Toto, and the farmhouse are transported to the magical Land of Oz. There, the Good Witch of the North, Glinda, advises Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City and meet the Wizard of Oz, who can return her to Kansas. During her journey, she meets a Scarecrow, a Tin Man and a Cowardly Lion, who join her, hoping to receive what they lack themselves (a brain, a heart and courage, respectively). All of this is done while also trying to avoid the Wicked Witch of the West and her attempt to get her sister"s ruby shoes from Dorothy, who received them from Glinda.




Elliot is your normal boy, until one day, when he meets a little lost alien. Elliot decides to keep the alien, in which he gives the name E.T. Elliot works with E.T. in trying to find him a way to get back home. Elliot must make the difficult sacrifice. Whether to help his new friend or to lose him? Whatever the decision is, Elliot must keep him hidden, as someone else is out to look for him...





Garfield, a fat, happy, lazy cat, is enjoying the good life with his owner Jon, until one day Jon adopts a dog named Odie. Garfield is having trouble getting along with Odie until Odie goes missing. While Jon and vet Liz go looking for Odie, Garfield forms his own plan to save the dog.



两个刚出狱的窃贼将目光瞄向了凯文家。当他们鬼鬼祟祟的踏入凯文家时,凯文凭借自己的醒目和家里的“游乐场机关”,和两个笨贼玩起了 “游戏”,笑料百出。凯文最后能否这场“游戏”的胜利?  

8-year-old Kevin McAllister is accidentally left behind when his family takes off for a vacation in France over the holiday season. Once he realizes they"ve left him home by himself, Kevin learns to fend for himself, and eventually has to protect his house against bumbling burglars Harry and Marv, who are planning to rob every house in Kevin"s suburban Chicago neighborhood. Kevin"s mother Kate is frantic when she realizes that she and the family have unintentionally left Kevin behind in Chicago, and she tries to make it back to Chicago as fast as she can, getting help from a polka band leader named Gus Polinski.  





Nick Parker (Quaid) and Elizabeth James (Richardson) met and married each other during an ocean cruise on the QE2. Elizabeth gave birth to twin daughters Hallie and Annie (both played by Lohan), but the couple divorced and lost contact with each other, each parent raising one of the twins without telling her about her sister. Nick raised Hallie in the Napa Valley and became a wealthy wine grower, while Elizabeth raised Annie in London and became a famous wedding gown designer.

After the ocean cruise and onboard wedding ceremony, the story jumps ahead to a summer in which Nick and Elizabeth coincidentally enroll their daughters in the same summer camp. Annie and Hallie, who are now eleven years old, first meet at the end of a fencing match, when they remove their masks and see that they look alike. A comical hostility between the two girls leads to a prank war that ends when the camp counselors fall into one of Hallie"s traps and isolate the twins from the other girls.


Charlie Bucket, a nice boy from a poor family, lives with his parents and both sets of elderly grandparents (Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina). From these four, especially Grandpa Joe, he hears stories about the candymaker Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory he built in Charlie"s hometown. After rival chocolate makers sent in spies, posing as workers, in order to steal his recipes Mr. Wonka had decided to send home his workers and close the factory. Years of silence passed until one day, when the factory mysteriously came back to life. The gates remain locked however; the factory has resumed operations with workers whose identity is a mystery. Nobody, including Wonka, is seen going in or out of the factory anymore.





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