
英语四级报名时间 2020-05-27 22:07:44 英语四级报名时间
[摘要]其次是数字和时间,这里提醒考生们需要注意的是时间和数字在文章中可能会被同义替换。如:the 20th century, 可能被替换成the 1900s或the previous century;the


其次是数字和时间,这里提醒考生们需要注意的是时间和数字在文章中可能会被同义替换。如:the 20th century, 可能被替换成the 1900s或the previous century;the early years of the twentieth century可能被替换成about 1900;50%可能被替换成fifty percent或者half;45%可能被替换成three quarters或者approximately half又或者slightly less than half。


依然以剑7 test 3中的Q27-Q33为例(定位词/词组为蓝绿色字体部分):

27. Forest problem of Mediterranean countries are to be discussed at the next meeting of experts.

28. Problem in Nordic countries were excluded because they are outside the European Economic Community.

29.  Forests are a renewable source of raw material.

30.  The biological function of forests were recognized only in the twentieth century.

31.  Natural forests still exist in parts of Europe.

32.  Forest policy should be limited by international boundaries.

33.  The Strasbourg conference decided that a forest policy must allow for the possibility of change.


定位词确定之后,考生们就需要在文章中定位题目在文章中对应内容的位置并判断TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN或者YES/NO/NOT GIVEN了。雅思阅读考试主要考查考生们定位所需要的信息,理解并掌握的能力,而并不考查考生们的推理能力,因此通常越精明的考生,越感觉是非无判断题“像雾像雨又像风”,“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”,碰到这种题型只能自认倒霉。下面专家就带考生们来看一下准确判断是、非、无的几种情况。

判断TRUE/YES的第一种情况是“近义/同义替换”。如:题目“Feeding increasing populations is due primarily to improved irrigation systems”(剑7,test1,passage2),原文对应内容为“Food production has kept pace with soaring populations mainly because of the expansion of artificial irrigation”,此题目和原文内容即为同义替换;题目“salaries have not risen significantly since the 1970s”(剑1,test3, passage3),原文对应内容为“In fact, working hours have increased noticeably since 1970-perhaps because real wages have stagnated since that year”,其中salaries和 wages,since the 1970s 和since that year即为近义替换,而have not risen significantly和为have stagnated同义替换。

判断TRUE/YES的第二种情况是“归纳总结”。如:题目“Teenagers whose parents smoke are at risk of getting lung cancer at some time during their lives”(剑3,test1,passage2),原文对应内容为“It has been calculated that 17 percent of cases of lung cancer can be attributed to high levels of exposure to second-hand smoking during childhood and adolescence”,根据原文内容我们可以归纳总结出题目中的结论,所以该题判断为TRUE/YES。

判断FALSE/NO的情况为“题目100%否认原文”。如:题目“Water use per person is higher in the industrial world than it was in Ancient Rome”(剑7,test1,passage2),原文对应内容为“At the height of the Roman Empire, nine major systems, with an innovative layout of pipes and well-built sewers, supplied the occupants of Rome with as much water per person as is provided in many parts of the industrial world”。

判断NOT GIVEN 的情况为“根据原文无法100%确定题目对还是错”。如:“Modern water system imitate those of the ancient Greeks and Romans” (剑7,test1,passage2),原文对应内容“Yet there is a dark side to this picture: despite our progress, half of the world’s population still suffered, with water services inferior to those available to the ancient Greeks and Romans”,题目中讲的是“水系统模仿古希腊和罗马”,而原文中讲的却是“水服务不及古希腊和罗马”,驴唇不对马嘴,因此答案即为NOT GIVEN。

在此提醒考生:首先是非无判断题出题的总体思路是:文化差异不考;复杂的语态时态不考;复杂的逻辑不考;涉及金钱数字的只考精确度,不考范围。另外,尽管雅思阅读考试中,考生可以利用背景知识做题,如: 剑5,test4, Q18-23(摘要题),剑6,test 3,Q33-37(分类题),剑7,test 3,Q7-13(摘要)。但是由于是非无判断题中判断的是题目中信息和原文中信息或者原文中作者主张之间的关系,而非简单根据常识判断题目对还是错,因此利用常识是无法判断NOT GIVEN的,考生若利用常识做题,往往会导致没有NOT GIVEN。当然若考生在考试时时间紧急,来不及在原文中定位,就可以大胆运用常识来判断一下,因为根据经验,一篇文章的雅思判断题中NOT GIVEN 一般在1-3个之内。


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