凄迷是什么意思_凄迷如泣:Ketamine - Disarm

英语文化 2020-05-28 08:08:51 英语文化
[摘要]沪江英乐讯   Ketamine是一种毒品的名字。网上找不到太多关于这只乐队的资料。这首Disarm前奏的旋律非常亲切,然而歌曲开场后就凄迷冰冷,歌词如泣如诉,像绝望者的哭喊。女声充满张力,让人入迷。文化娱乐英乐


沪江英乐讯   Ketamine是一种毒品的名字。网上找不到太多关于这只乐队的资料。这首Disarm前奏的旋律非常亲切,然而歌曲开场后就凄迷冰冷,歌词如泣如诉,像绝望者的哭喊。女声充满张力,让人入迷。


Disarm you with a smile and cut you like you want me to cut thsi little child inside of me and such a part of you
I used to be a little boy so old in my shoes and what I choose is my choice what"s a boy supposed to do? the killer in me is the killer in you my love  I send this smile over to you
Disarm you with a smile  and leave you as they left me here to winter in denial the bitterness of one who"s left alone oh the years burn oh the years burn burn burn
I used to be a little boy so old in my shoes and what I choose is my choice what"s a boy supposed to do? the killer in me is the killer in you my love  I send this smile over to you

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相关热点: 英文歌曲 托福考试时间


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