
英语电影 2020-05-29 22:24:52 英语电影
[摘要]THE legendary producer Jerry Bruckheimer likes to say that he can make a movie from almost anything


THE legendary producer Jerry Bruckheimer likes to say that he can make a movie from almost anything. Take, for example, his latest picture, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It was inspired by a 7-year-old video game.
传奇制作人杰里-布鲁克海默总说“他可以将任何事情拍成电影”。他的最新力作《波斯王子:时之刃》就是个不错的例子。该影片由一个上市7年的电子游戏改编 而来。
But this time, the film doesn"t seem much of a stretch of Bruckheimer"s long and box-office-friendly career.

The film, directed by Mike Newell and starring Jake Gyllenhaal, is based on a screenplay written by the game"s creator, Jordan Mechner. It imagines a medieval, pre-Islamic Persia-part historical, part fantasy-and centers on prince Dastan"s (Jake Gyllenhaal) quest to expose his father"s assassin. He is also trying to win the trust of the suspicious princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) and protect an ancient dagger that contains powerful sand which allows the possessor to reverse time.
该影片由迈克-内威尔执导,杰克-吉伦哈尔领衔主演,游戏创建者乔丹-麦其纳担任编剧。该片基于史实和想象虚构了中世纪、伊斯兰教创立以前的波斯历史。影 片主要讲述了达斯坦王子(杰克-吉伦哈尔饰)寻找父王刺客的历程。与此同时,他还要赢得多疑的塔米娜公主(杰玛-阿特登饰)的信任,保管含有"时之沙"的 古代匕首--时之刃。谁拥有时之刃,谁就可以逆转时空。

The role may seem like a weird fit for an actor whose filmography includes Brokeback Mountain (2005), The Good Girl (2002) and Donnie Darko (2001). But in another way, perhaps because he"s not a traditional action star, his performance ends up being more intriguing than what you might get from a Hugh Jackman or a Gerard Butler.
选择曾出演过《断背山》(2005)、《麦田守望者》(2002)、《死亡幻觉》(2001)的杰克-吉伦哈尔来出演这一角色似乎有些怪异。但换个角度来 看,或许正因为他不是一个传统的动作片演员,他的表演会比休-杰克曼或杰拉德-巴特勒更有吸引力。   

While Prince of Persia doesn"t try to replicate the sensation of playing a video game, its structure is undeniably episodic. As Dastan defeats one enemy after another in 6th century Persia, it feels like we"re watching him climb from one level to the next, with each challenge increasing in difficulty.
虽然电影《波斯王子》并非电子游戏的简单复制,它的结构却不甚紧密,由多个片段组成。6世纪的波斯,达斯坦王子击败了一个又一个敌人。这感觉就像看着他从 一个等级爬升到另一个等级,挑战的难度也随之提升。   

To avoid making the story too heavy and serious, the film does also have its fleeting moments of silly fun. For example, Sheik Amar (Alfred Molina), the tax-resisting renegade, provides some comic relief with his illegal ostrich races, his black market double-dealing, and his speeches.
为了避免剧情过于沉重、严肃,影片还特意穿插了短暂的荒谬搞笑情节。例如,拒绝纳税的西科-阿玛(阿尔弗雷德-莫里纳)为影片平添了不少喜剧色彩,他的非 法鸵鸟大赛、狡诈的黑市交易和雷人的言论让人忍俊不禁。

Director Newell, best known for Donnie Brasco (1997) and Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), is not the first person that comes to mind when you think of big-budget action directors. "I"ve worked with huge numbers of people before, but they were all school children," said Newell in an interview with The New York Times. He was referring to his recent film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
导演迈克-内威尔因影片《忠奸人》(1997)、《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》(1994)而为世人所熟识。说到大制作的动作片导演,你最先想到的或许不是他。 “我曾和很多人合作过,但他们大多是学生,”内威尔接受《纽约时报》采访时表示。他指的是他最近的电影《哈利波特与火焰杯》。
Despite this seemingly "unfit" cast and crew, the film turns out to be OK. Respect should be paid for the many things the production designers, effects specialists and stunt guys did right. They"ve created an amazing visual display. It"s like two hours of national celebration fireworks, only with flying swords and sandstorms, raging battles and mystical palaces rising out of the desert.
尽管演员阵容貌似“不当”,电影却还可以。制片设计、特效和演员特技都很值得欣赏。影片视觉效果令人惊异。就好比欣赏了两小时的国民庆典活动上的烟火表 演,只不过烟花换成了漫天飞舞的宝剑和沙尘,场景变成了沙漠中狂暴战争和神秘宫殿。
However, Prince of Persia does not disguise its video game origins: There are lots of scenes of a very buff Gyllenhaal running, jumping and climbing as if he embarked on a strict parkour workout. And yet, game elements aside, the film is almost a throwback, resembling the Indiana Jones movies. It"s a movie so old-fashioned that if it didn"t have a video game tie-in, no one would think to make it anymore.
但是,《波斯王子》并没有隐藏其电子游戏的“出身”:片中,身材健硕的吉伦哈尔有很多“动作戏”,奔跑、跳跃、飞檐走壁,仿佛一个专业的跑酷族。撇开游戏 因素不说,该片几乎和印第安纳-琼斯电影如出一辙,算是穿越题材影片。如果不是电子游戏的关系,估计没有人会想拍这样一部过时的影片吧。


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