
英语口语 2020-06-01 18:07:33 英语口语
[摘要]【尼克·武伊契奇(Nick Vujicic),塞尔维亚裔澳大利亚籍基督教布道家,“无四肢生命”(Life Without Limbs)组织创办人。他天生没有双手双脚,却勇于面对身体残障,创造了生命的奇能力提升英语口语


【尼克·武伊契奇(Nick Vujicic),塞尔维亚裔澳大利亚籍基督教布道家,“无四肢生命”(Life Without Limbs)组织创办人。他天生没有双手双脚,却勇于面对身体残障,创造了生命的奇迹。自从19岁第一次充满动力的演讲之后,尼克的足迹开始遍布全世界,与数十亿人分享他的故事、经历,他是真正使人倍受鼓舞的演说家。】

I was born different. But that doesn"t stop me from living my life. And I"m happy.我从出生就和别人不一样,但这没有阻止我过属于自己的生活,而且我很幸福。

I love soccer so much and I don"t play as well as others, of course. But you know, in the World Cup, there is so much anticipation and excitement that stirs up in all of us and everybody cheers for this success of their own team. And you know in all games there is losing and winning. People who moan over, you know, their team not winning and then people who get so excited when they win. Everybody loves to win but we shall not linger on the difference between winning and losing. At the World Cup, most of the fans around the world will experience the loss of their team. But is losing failing?我非常喜欢足球,当然,我踢得没有别人好。不过世界杯期间,我们所有人都对比赛充满期待和渴望,每个人都为自己球队的胜利欢呼。但是所有比赛都有胜负,失败一方的球迷会感到悲伤,胜利一方的球迷则激动万分。每个人都渴望胜利,但我们不应该过多地关注输赢之间的区别。世界杯上,大多数球迷都将经历本方球队的失利,可是输球就是失败吗?

At age 8, I wanted to end my life. I told my mom I wanted to commit suicide. And then, age 10, I actually tried. I felt like I had no hope to live. I felt like I was so different to everybody else, and there was definitely no future or hope for me. If I gave up, thinking that that was the end, I would have missed out on so much more. Life is life. There are lots of successes but also lots of failures and it repeats itself again and again. Should we really despair every time we go through, you know a failure?当我8岁的时候,我就想结束自己的生命,我告诉母亲我想自杀。而到了10岁的时候,我真的尝试过自杀。我觉得自己根本不想活下去。我感觉自己和别人太不一样,对我来说,将来必定是没有希望的。如果当时我就放弃,认为生命就此终结的话,那我就要错失这么多东西。生活就是生活,有成功也有失败,如此周而复始。难道每次我们经历所谓的失败就要心生绝望吗?

You"re saying "oh, now I am a failure for the rest of my life." You see, the stairs right in front of me are a huge barrier and one step at a time is what I have to do. If I never try, I"ll never achieve anything. If I fall down, what do I do? I am gonna try again and again because the moment I give up is the moment that I"ll fail. It is so important that we don"t despair with the results that we sometimes don"t anticipate whether it"s in the soccer game or life. So embrace the path your team has taken and believe that they will try again with resilience. Then you will feel the happiness in life again to be able to enjoy the World Cup as a true festival as it is, a celebration. Failure is not important. How you overcome it is.你会说:“噢,如今我的余生都将是失败的。”你看,我面前的阶梯就是巨大的障碍,我必须一步一步走上去。如果我从不尝试,就会永远一事无成。如果我摔倒了,我要怎么做?我会一次又一次地尝试,因为当我放弃的时候也就是我失败的时候。我们不因结果而绝望,这是非常重要的,因为无论是在足球比赛还是在生活中,我们都无法预料将会发生什么。因此,接受自己球队所选择的道路吧,相信他们会顽强拼搏。那样你就能够再次感受到生活的快乐,能够把世界杯当作真正的节日去庆祝。失败并不重要,如何战胜失败才重要。

相关热点: 考研词根


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