
职称英语 2020-07-01 18:04:54 职称英语




Listening Faults(聆听的误区)

11. Shut-Ear Listening: Maybe you feel you already know what the speaker is going to say. Or his subject couldn"t interest you less. You turn off your ears—and who knows what you may be missing or when a little knowledge on that subject may come in mighty handy? Anyway, why take the risk?11、充耳不闻式聆听:可能你觉得早已经知道发言者将要说什么;或者,他讲的主题根本不能吸引你,因此你“关闭”了耳朵—那么,谁知道你可能错过了什么?谁又知道什么时候他讲的可能会派上用场?不管怎样,为什么要冒这样的风险呢?

12. "That"s-What-You-Think" Listening: You have your own pet ideas on certain subjects. You don"t like to hear anything which might make you question them. So when anyone begins arguing on the other side, you simply stop listening. Instead you plan what you are going to answer. Anyone who refuses too often to listen to the other side of a question risks becoming narrow-minded—an exasperating and unattractive trait in the other fellow. Is it any more becoming to you? No thanks, you say, and decide to hear the other fellow out. Maybe he is right. Maybe you are. But you can give him a better argument on your viewpoint if you hear what he says.12、内心排斥式聆听:对于某些主题你会有自己的观点,就不愿意听到与之相左的见解。因此,当别人开始陈述与你相反看法时,你干脆不再听。只是思考着自己该怎样回应。那些经常拒绝倾听对立意见的人往往会变得思维狭窄—这在别人眼中是一种令人恼怒和厌烦的表现。你现在还想成为这样的人吗?你会说,当然不。然后决定去认真地听完别人的阐述。可能他是正确的,也可能你是正确的。但是,如果你听了他的观点,你就可以用自己的观点更好地去反驳他。

13. Fake Listening: You pretend to be giving close attention. You toss in a few nods and yeses at the right moments, you hope. This is a common faulty listening habit that fools no one. Your eyes give you away, if your absent-minded answers don"t. And can you think of anything more infuriating than to be given the same treatment? Also, it is extremely difficult to respond satisfactorily to words you didn"t hear. Good conversations, if not friendships, have been sacrificed to this habit.13、佯装式聆听:你假装在注意听;还期望自己在恰当的时刻能够点头附和。这种常见的坏的聆听习惯欺骗不了任何人。即使那些不着边际的回答没露馅,你的眼睛也会出卖你。有什么能比受到(听众)这样的对待更让人生气呢?而且,对自己没有认真聆听的问题做出满意的回答是极其困难的。这样一个坏习惯让你失去的可能不仅仅是交流,甚至可能是与别人的友谊。

14. Over-My-Head Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you, so you depart, at least in spirit. You may be right. And then again you may be wrong. If you let the words enter your mind, you may be surprised to discover that they make sense. But even if they are as strange as Greek to you, you should try to listen and understand. Otherwise you may find some day that you must attempt to grasp an over-your-head idea and be totally unable even to try.14、不知所云式聆听:你确信正在谈论的主题超过了你的理解范围,于是你起身离开,至少也是心猿意马。你可能做的对;但你也可能是错的。如果你用心去听,就可能会惊讶地发现这些话很有道理。即使这些词句像希腊语般晦涩难懂,你还是应该尽力去聆听和理解。否则有一天你会发现自己处在这样一种境地:必须要听懂某些艰深的内容,但自己却连基本的能力都没有。

15. Memory Test Listening: Some people think that trying to memorize a series of facts is good listening. They are wrong. For instance, you are getting a story for your school paper on an assembly speaker. He makes a series of points. You try to memorize them. But while you are busy planting facts A, B, and C in your mind, repeating them over and over, you are losing out on facts D and E. Better to look for main ideas. You will find them more useful and easier to recall later.15、记忆测试式聆听:有人认为有效的聆听就是将所有的细节都记住。他们错了。比如,你想从某人的大会发言中为自己的论文汲取素材。他罗列了很多点,你努力去记住它们。当你忙着重复一条条观点,想把它们牢牢地记在脑子里时,却恰恰忽略了其余内容。最好的方式是抓住要点,你会发现它们更有用,而且更容易帮助你回忆。

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