芬兰航空|芬兰 史诗中的摇滚故事:Amorphis - Silent Waters

英语四级报名时间 2020-07-01 18:04:54 英语四级报名时间
[摘要]沪江英乐讯   AMORPHIS,来自芬兰的死亡金属乐队。这首Silent Waters出自他们第八张同名录音室专辑,这张专辑卖出了金唱片的销量,而整张专辑的内容也是取材于芬兰的史诗The Kalev文化娱乐英乐


沪江英乐讯   AMORPHIS,来自芬兰的死亡金属乐队。这首Silent Waters出自他们第八张同名录音室专辑,这张专辑卖出了金唱片的销量,而整张专辑的内容也是取材于芬兰的史诗The Kalevala中的故事。

Song:Silent Waters

A day"s light told me of my son"s fate
the sun showed the way, grim and severe
pulled under the raging waters, my child
sank in the drowning currents, my son

My strength is not enough, my powers failed me
I need the heavens help, I ask for thunder"s force
I plead for you oh lightning, forge an iron tool
a magic rake of dragging, a river for my son

God of fire bring your light
forger of sun help me now
guardian of the shore will sleep in your warmth
lull the folk of cold water
banish the serpents of the dark
to the river let me go and fetch my son away

A rake made of iron from the Gods of skies
the spirit of bright days sent me the sun
cold troops of Tuoni can not stand in my way
untouched I shall walk by the river of the night
my child
my son


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