吸血鬼日记第二季|《吸血鬼日记》第二季第9集优美片尾Amen Omen试听下载

英美剧 2020-07-04 22:05:24 英美剧
[摘要]《吸血鬼日记》The Vampire Diaries在第二季第9集是一段时间内的最后一集,这集过后要经过两周的的停歇剧集才会回归。留下的一首片尾曲Amen Omen余音绕梁,相当好听。点此下载《吸血鬼文化娱乐英美剧


《吸血鬼日记》The Vampire Diaries在第二季第9集是一段时间内的最后一集,这集过后要经过两周的的停歇剧集才会回归。留下的一首片尾曲Amen Omen余音绕梁,相当好听。

点此下载《吸血鬼日记》第二季第九集插曲Amen Omen>>

Amen Omen
by Ben Harper

What started as a whisper,
Slowly turned in to a scream.
Searching for an answer
Where the question is unseen.
I don"t know where you came from
And I dont know where you"ve gone.
Old friends become old strangers
Between the darkness and the dawn

Amen omen,will I see your face again?
Amen omen,can I find the place within
To live my life without you?

I still hear you saying
"All of life is chance,
And is sweetest,is sweetest when at a glance"
But I live,
I live a hundred lifetimes in a day.
But I die a little
In every breath that I take.

Amen omen,will I see your face again?
Amen omen,can I find the place within
To live my life without you?

I listen to a whisper,
Slowly drift away.
Silence is a loudest,
Parting word you never say.
I put I put your world
Into my veins
Now a voiceless sympathy
Is all that remains.

Amen omen,will I see your face again?
Amen omen,can I find the place within
To live my life without you?

Amen omen,can i find the strength within


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