[gossipgirl第四季百度影音]GossipGirl第四季第9集片尾I Saw The Light试听下载

英美剧 2020-07-05 12:06:36 英美剧
[摘要]原本诡计连天的女主角们此番尝尽苦头,《绯闻女孩》第四季第9集Juliet联手小J和V,狠狠整到了B和S,是否让观众颇感不爽?片尾曲来自Spoon的I Saw The Light。GossipGirl第文化娱乐英美剧


原本诡计连天的女主角们此番尝尽苦头,《绯闻女孩》第四季第9集Juliet联手小J和V,狠狠整到了B和S,是否让观众颇感不爽?片尾曲来自Spoon的I Saw The Light。

GossipGirl第四季第10集剧情预告 煤气灯照下

GossipGirl第四季第9集片尾曲I Saw the Light歌曲MP3下载>>

"I Saw the Light"
by Spoon

Whenever your love can find me
It break through the walls that bind me
It"s breaking the walls that bind me

And I go out in the world
I make my case to the world
I sell the world unto the world
It asks me back again
It calls me Love and holds me tight

It peels off them ties that bind me
I don"t need a thing to remind me
That I"m part of the world
I saw the light

I saw the light
And I felt all creamed on in white
I felt so permanently alive

I saw the light
I saw the light
And I felt all creamed on in white
I felt so permanently alive

I saw the light
I saw the light
I saw the light
And I felt all creamed on in white
I felt so permanently alive

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题

相关热点: 美剧 英文歌曲 英语听力 绯闻女孩第一季 出纳工作总结


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