
英语四级报名网站 2020-07-06 18:04:18 英语四级报名网站
[摘要]It is a terrible, gut-wrenching feeling: waking up to the awful realisation that you may have posted生活实用行业英语


It is a terrible, gut-wrenching feeling: waking up to the awful realisation that you may have posted an incriminating message on Facebook while a little bit tipsy. Now a new application that can be downloaded to your computer aims to stop you writing emails or posting messages while not in full control of your faculties.近年来,越来越多的的人喜欢把自己的生活在各大社交网站、微博上与大家分享,可最近有人提出,怎么样才能确保自己在“意识完全清醒”的状态下更新自己的微博呢?就好像警察会来测试驾驶的酒精浓度那样,新推出的网络应用"Social Media Sobriety Test"也要在特定时间帮你进行“清醒度测试”,看看你是不是带著酒意或意识朦胧时上网,新推出的网络应用可以及时“阻止”尚且在朦胧状态的你在不清醒的时候更新自己微博、发新的消息。

One of the tests asks the user to follow a moving finger with their mouse. If they fall outside the circle they are locked out of Facebook. Another test challenges users to guess how long 30 seconds is by clicking on their mouse. If you want to access social media sites during these times, you will have to pass a randomly selected sobriety test such as "drag your mouse in a straight line". The Social Media Sobriety Test lets the user choose which web applications they want to be tested on before they can access them. They can also set the time when the test comes into effect.新型网络应用旨在测试您的状态是否清醒,如果您要登陆自己的微博发布消息,您必须先通过一些测试。比如:用鼠标准确地指出屏幕显示的“移动目标”位置、或者用“鼠标点击30下”来预测时间、能否用鼠标“画直线”等等。此外,网民在下载这些网络应用、网络测试之前,还可以选择适合自己的“测试方案”。

"That"s why Webroot launched the Social Media Sobriety Test. We saw an opportunity to remind people to be responsible on social networks, and to be humorous while talking about Internet security".推出“清醒度测试”的英国反间谍软件Webroot 称,该测试旨在加强网民在进行更新社交网络的同时具备责任感,即使是在进行网络“虚拟社交”的情况下,也要对自己的行为负责,这项测试一定程度上维护了网络的安全。

相关热点: 行业英语学习 二年级英语


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