【爱的罗曼史吉他谱】爱的罗曼史:Stacey Kent - So Romantic

英语故事 2020-07-26 22:06:05 英语故事
[摘要]沪江英乐讯   Stacey Kent,爵士女伶中的一代天后,温暖柔美的极致声线,这首So Romantic温柔绵软,让人满心沉醉其中,仿佛经历了一场最为朦胧美好的爱情故事。Artist:Stacey文化娱乐英乐


沪江英乐讯   Stacey Kent,爵士女伶中的一代天后,温暖柔美的极致声线,这首So Romantic温柔绵软,让人满心沉醉其中,仿佛经历了一场最为朦胧美好的爱情故事。

:Stacey Kent
Song:So Romantic

You always had a taste for those movies
Like Casablanca and Song o" My Heart
Where a complicated world
Or the call of adventure
Forces true lovers to part
When the hero turns his back so stoically
On all the happiness they might have had

You always considered it
So romantic
But I just considered it sad

It was so like you to choose such a moment
The sun setting over the square
A pavement cafe, the local children at play
The sound of an accordion somewhere
You suddenly said Fate was pulling us apart
Then you shrugged, like there was nothing more to add

I suppose you considered that
So romantic
Well, I just considered it sad

Perhaps you"re living in America now
Perhaps you"re in Timbuktu
A small part of me, even after this time
Has never stopped waiting for you
To live in this state of hoping
When hoping seems so utterly mad
I can"t help but consider that so romantic
Though I know I should consider it sad


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