
英美剧 2020-08-12 12:06:17 英美剧



【The Marshmallow Test】(部分对话实录)

Ok, sit in that chair. Alright, here"s the deal. Marshmallow, for you. You can either wait, and I"ll give you another one if you wait, or, you can eat it now.

When I come back, I"ll give you another, so you"ll have two.

Just stay in here and stay in the chair till I"m come back, ok?

I"m gonna go do something, and I"ll come back.

Twins: It smells yummy! It smells really good!


How did you do? Did you do good? You did? You wouldn"t eat it, would you? So I have told you I"ll give you another. OK, now you can have both~!

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