【生活大爆炸适合学英语吗】看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第九集(2) 严格地说草莓不算水果

英美剧 2020-08-13 22:06:40 英美剧
[摘要]看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第九集【剧情介绍】Leonard跟Stephanie 约会了,Sheldon却不识相地当电灯泡, Leonard对此非常不满,不断给Sheldon暗事要他离开, 而Sheldo文化娱乐英美剧




Leonard跟Stephanie 约会了,Sheldon却不识相地当电灯泡, Leonard对此非常不满,不断给Sheldon暗事要他离开, 而Sheldon似乎并不接茬, 称是怕Leonard会搞砸这次约会. Leonard表示很无语啊,有木有╯﹏╰

SHELDON: Well,this is very pleasant.

LEONARD: Glad you"re enjoying yourself.

SHELDON: And you said there"d never be enough pasta for the three of us.

LEONARD: I stand corrected.

SHELDON: You know,Italian housewives have a rule of thumb. A handful of dry pasta about an inch in diameter is sufficient for each person as it doubles in volume when cooked.

STEPHANIE: That"s very interesting.

SHELDON: Thank you.

LEONARD: She doesn"t mean it. She"s just being nice.

SHELDON: Well,Stephanie,since Leonard seems to be dropping the conversational ball, I guess I"ll just have to pick it up.Have you ever witnessed a violent crime?


SHELDON: Good. What"s your favorite fruit?

STEPHANIE: Uh,strawberries.

SHELDON: Hmm,technically not a fruit,but all right. Where did you do your medical internship?

STEPHANIE: Uh,Lawrence Memorial in Galveston,Texas.

SHELDON: Really? That"s where I was born!

STEPHANIE: You"re kidding!

SHELDON: I spent so much of my childhood at that hospital. When I was 12,I got to there in a helicopter.

STEPHANIE: Why,w-w-what happened?

SHELDON: Radiation burns. A little mishap while I was building my own CAT scanner.

STEPHANIE: I"m sorry,you tried to build your own CAT scanner?

SHELDON: No,I didn"t try,I succeeded. In fact,I was briefly able to see the inside of my sister"s guinea pig,Snowball, before he caught fire. It led to an interesting expression in our house: Not a Snowball"s chance in a CAT scanner.

LEONARD: Uh,Sheldon?

SHELDON: Excuse me. When I come back,just for fun,the subject will be alternative history. Specifically,how would the Civil War have gone differently if Lincoln had been a robot sent from the future? Look at that,there"s even pasta left over.

LEONARD: Do you understand that this was supposed to be a date?

SHELDON: I do. Do you? Because frankly,you"ve been in a foul mood since I sat down.


1. stand corrected认错.

I"m sorry for what I did, I stand corrected.我对所做的事情感到遗憾—我接受批评指正。

2. rule of thumb基本原则;经验法则;行事法则

The rule of thumb in this business is courtesy. 这门生意的基本原则是礼貌至上。

3. radiation burn辐射烧伤

4. guinea pig豚鼠;天竺鼠;荷兰猪,常被用作实验品

5. Not a Snowball"s chance不可能发生的事

He do not have a snowball"s chance in hell of get that job. 他压根就没有任何机会能得到那个工作。

6. alternative history或然历史

7. foul mood坏心情相当于bad mood

A new research has found that not only are women grumpier than men, but also that they remain in a foul mood for longer. 一项最新调查发现,女性早晨起床后脾气要比男性暴躁,而且持续的时间更长。


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