
英美剧 2020-08-14 18:04:58 英美剧
[摘要]Gossip Girl is on hiatus until April 18, but heres another little spoiler to keep you guessing unti文化娱乐英美剧


Gossip Girl is on hiatus until April 18, but here"s another little spoiler to keep you guessing until then. Actually, it"s a pretty big spoiler, just using relatively few words.《绯闻女孩》处于停播阶段,要到4月18号(北京时间4月19号)才能回归,但是还是有剧透来吊吊大家胃口的。虽然以下剧透字数不多,但是绝对是重量级的剧透。

Blair will get engaged by the end of the season.Blair在本季季终将会和某人订婚。(= =字数果然很少...内容很爆炸啊...B迷们~~)

TV Line"s Michael Ausiello reports it matter-of-factly, although he won"t say who the lucky guy is. 这条剧透是由TV Line网站的剧透专业人士Michael Ausiello爆料,虽然他不愿透露和Blair订婚的是哪位幸运儿。

It"s unclear if Blair actually gets married, or whether the engagement takes place in the season finale or before, but by season"s end, someone pops the question.Blair是不是真的会和这位准未婚夫结婚还难成定数,订婚典礼具体会在哪一集播出也还无从知晓,但是我们可以确定的是,在本季季末有人要向Blair求婚了。


相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 绯闻女孩Gossip Girl 绯闻女孩第一季 现在进行时语法


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