【英国王子哈里王子大婚】英国王子大婚在即 浪漫爱情漫画化(双语组图)

英语文化 2020-08-14 22:06:24 英语文化
[摘要]The RoyalsPrince William and Kate Middletons love story now features in a splashy comic book 威廉王子和凯文化娱乐英语文化


The Royals

Prince William and Kate Middleton"s love story now features in a splashy comic book.


The Royals follows the prince through his privileged upbringing, schooling, hardships and eight-year romance with Kate, right up to their engagement and beyond.


Royal Engagement

The comic book has two separate stories told from either end of the comic, coming together in the middle with a fictional look at the wedding day itself.


Prince William"s Story

Prince William"s story features his action-man career in the military.


Kate"s Story

Kate"s story examines Kate"s life as a photographer and accessories buyer, as well as being a party girl.


Diana"s Funeral

The comic strip touches on the tragic death of Prince William"s mother when he was 15, and the heartbreaking funeral procession.


Kate"s Family

The comic book examines the life of the Middleton family, although little is know of Kate"s childhood.


相关热点: 傲慢与偏见第六章


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