吸血鬼日记小说_《吸血鬼日记》:小狼人Tyler月圆之时回归 盘点剧情看点

英美剧 2020-08-14 22:06:24 英美剧
[摘要]Fans of The Vampire Diaries have been missing Tyler (Michael Trevino) since he drove off into the文化娱乐英美剧


Fans of "The Vampire Diaries" have been missing Tyler (Michael Trevino) since he drove off into the sunset in a February episode, but Tyler will be back in town just in time for the next Mystic Falls full moon.《吸血鬼日记》的粉丝们都思念在2月份离开神秘瀑布镇的狼人小帅哥Tyler了吧,不过大家不用心急,在神秘瀑布镇的下一个月圆之夜我们就会看到Tyler回归喽。

Though Tyler"s return won"t come as much of a surprise now, plenty of questions still remain.虽然Tyler的回归是我们都能料想到的,但是我们仍然有很多问题想要知道答案。

Since the full moon is confirmed, we can"t help but wonder if we"ll see yet another big transformation scene. The morph is supposed to get quicker and less painful every time it happens, but we have a feeling Tyler still isn"t yet used to the agony. Trevino shared with us that the transformation was the "hardest, most challenging" acting experience of his TV career.既然月圆之夜将要来到,那么Tyler的变身在所难免。虽然变身的时间会逐渐间断,痛苦也会慢慢减轻,但是我们仍然能感觉到Tyler仍然被变身的痛苦困扰着。Trevino告诉我们说变身戏是他从演以来“最难也是最具挑战”的演出经历。

We"re also curious as to what impact Tyler"s time away has had on him. In Mystic Falls time, he"ll have been gone less than a month, but we can"t imagine that quality time with the near-feral Jules can be a positive influence on a kid.我们还想了解Tyler离开的这些时间里,他都发生了哪些变化。虽然他在剧中才离开神秘瀑布镇不到一个月,但是我们相信在这段并不太长的时间里,他必定会受到Jules的影响。

We can"t wait to see his first scenes with Caroline (Candice Accola). Plus, now that his former BFF Matt (Zach Roerig) knows about the vampires -- finally -- will Tyler fill him in on the whole werewolf thing, too?我们想快点看到他和Caroline重逢的画面。另一方面他曾经的好哥们Matt已经知道了吸血鬼的存在——那么最终——Tyler会把狼人的事情也和盘托出吗?


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