【贾斯汀.比伯】贾斯汀•比伯愚人节发微博取消巡演 真真假假费思量

英语文化 2020-08-15 08:08:06 英语文化
[摘要]Justin Bieber tweets his heartfelt regrets to all of his fans — on April Fools’ Day!在愚人节这一天,贾斯汀·比伯向所文化娱乐明星


Justin Bieber tweets his heartfelt regrets to all of his fans — on April Fools’ Day!在愚人节这一天,贾斯汀·比伯向所有粉丝衷心地表达了自己的歉意。

The Biebs had hearts stopping around the world with his April 1 tweet!全球喜欢贾斯汀的粉丝们也都在4月1号愚人这一天心碎鸟。

The boy who loves pranks told his fans: “sorry to all of the people that were planning on coming to the world tour it has been canceled.”向来喜欢耍耍小花招比伯在Twitter上说:“所有打算来我的世界巡回演唱会的人们,很抱歉巡演取消了。”

Justin’s been performing in Europe and his tour is scheduled to take him to the Mideast, Asia and Australia this month and next.正在欧洲巡演的贾斯汀近两月本来应该要去中东、亚洲以及澳大利亚开巡回演唱会。

Now before the world stops spinning, just remember how Justin pranked fans last month.但是大家也别忘了贾斯汀童鞋上个月也跟粉丝们玩了一次恶作剧。

He tweeted this fake message after getting hold of his guitarist Dan Kanter’s phone: “Hey guys, just wanted to inform all of the fans first that I have resigned from working with Justin and I will be deleting my twitter soon.”贾斯汀拿了吉他手Dan Kanter的手机佯装Dan发了条微博说:“筒子们,想跟大家先通报下,我以后不跟贾斯汀混了,很快我也会把我的“推特”账号注销掉。”

“Got pranked by JB,” Dan tweeted when he finally got his phone back. So don’t trash your tickets just yet!拿回手机的Dan立马发微博说“偶被JB耍啦~”。愚人节这么特殊的一天里发的这条特殊微博....大家还是悠着点儿的好~

相关热点: 电影世界 流行音乐 节日 世界卫生组织


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