万灵古镇|万灵之夜 祭奠亡者:All Souls Night

翻译考试 2020-08-15 08:08:06 翻译考试
[摘要]沪江英乐讯    清明节,有人会把它直接翻译成All SoulsDay,万灵日,西方的一个祭奠死者的宗教节日,二者的确是比较类似吧>>戳此看“清明”的翻译解说Artist:Loreena McKen文化娱乐英乐


沪江英乐讯    清明节,有人会把它直接翻译成All Souls"Day,万灵日,西方的一个祭奠死者的宗教节日,二者的确是比较类似吧>>戳此看“清明”的翻译解说<< 于是应景地送上一曲爱尔兰女声Loreena McKennitt的All Souls Night。

Artist:Loreena McKennitt
Song:All Souls Night

Bonfire dot the rolling hillsides
Figures dance around and around
To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness
Moving to the pagan sound.

Somewhere in a hidden memory
Images float before my eyes
Of fragrant nights of straw and of bonfires
And dancing till the next sunrise.

I can see the lights in the distance
Trembling in the dark cloak of night
Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing
A waltz on All Souls Night.

Figures of cornstalks bend in the shadows
Held up tall as the flames leap high
The green knight holds the holly bush
To mark where the old year passes by.


Bonfires dot the rolling hillsides -- photo
Figures dance around and around
To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness
Moving to the pagan sound.

Standing on the bridge that crosses
The river that goes out to the sea
The wind is full of a thousand voices
They pass by the bridge and me.


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