
BEC商务英语 2020-08-25 08:07:10 BEC商务英语
[摘要]Managing cash flow 管理现金流量词汇准备cash flow现金流向,现金流量,现金流动cash flow gap现金流量差额case study案例分析final payment最后英语考试BEC商务英语


Managing cash flow 管理现金流量


cash flow现金流向,现金流量,现金流动

cash flow gap现金流量差额

case study案例分析

final payment最后付款

bar chart柱形图

total sales prices总售价

down payment订金


remainder 剩余物

computer network 电脑网络系统

early settlement discount 提前付款折扣

labor cost 劳动力成本

credit terms 信用期限

outstanding 剩余的

outstanding balance 剩余金额

order books 订货本

a shortage of cash 现金短缺

turnover 营业额

average monthly turnover 平均月营业额

financing cost 融资成本

cash on delivery 货到付款

credit term 信用期限

margin 利润

penalty 处罚

inventory 库存

Speaking 口语练习

What are typical inflows and outflows for your company?

All the money which is coming into the company 流入公司的所有的资金

Cash inflow from operations include 公司营运中流入的资金包括

Income from sales 销售收入

Receipts from debtors 债务人偿还的债务收入

Receipts from minor revenues such as rent revenue 小额收入,比如租金

All the money which is going out of the company流出公司的所有资金

cash outflow from operations include公司营运中流出的资金包括

cash purchases 现金交易

payments to creditors 先债务人偿还债务的支出

payments of expenses 公司费用开支

wages for employees 雇员工资

Improving cash flow 提高现金流量


Write a 30-50 word reply to Steve.

•agreeing to help

•commenting on Sue’s idea

•suggesting a time and place to meet.





Hi SteveIt is good to know that business is going well, of course I will help! I think Sue’s idea could be one solution but wait and let’s discuss it together in more detail. How about a meeting one Friday at 10 am in my office? See you then.



Work in pairs. Look at these suggestions for improving Quick Company’s cash flow. Choose the best five ideas. How would they benefit the company?


• Ask customers for cash on delivery

• Reduce credit terms from 30 to 20 days

• Add penalty charges fro late payment

• Pay suppliers after 30 days, not 10

• Reduce inventory to a minimum

• Find cheaper suppliers

• Pay staff monthly

• Cut the staff wage bill

• Increase prices

• Increase sales


improve business performance through cash flow planning 通过资金流量来改善公司业绩

bill as soon as work bas been done or order fulfilled 工作完成后或按订单发货后马上要求对方付款

bill promptly so that you can have the cash available to cover the payments 及时要求对方付款您就有资金来支付自己需要的支出

adding penalty charges for late payment urges clients to pay promptly对拖欠付款的增收罚款促使客户及时付款

reduce the amount/time of credit given to customers 减少向客提供的赊帐数量,缩短信用周期。

Increase sales(particularly those involving cash payments) helps to solve the capital problem 提高销售量(特别是含有现金支付的销售量)有利于解决资金问题

Monitor the payment performance of customers 监控顾客的付款表现

Weed out these slow pays/no pays 淘汰那些拖欠付款或不付款的顾客

Become more selective when granting credit is good for the business’s cash flow, too提供赊帐时对客户进行更严格的筛选对公司的现金流量也有好处

Trimming your inventory is also a good way to avoid cash-flow problems 减少存货也是避免现金流量问题的好办法。


相关热点: 英语听力 行业英语学习 2015考试资讯 红字第二十二章


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