
英语作文万能句子 2020-09-10 22:09:05 英语作文万能句子
[摘要]A Shining Star一颗闪亮的星A good teacher is like a shining star to students Miss Li, my senior middle sch


A Shining Star一颗闪亮的星

A good teacher is like a shining star to students. Miss Li, my senior middle school English teacher, is a shining star in my life.一个好老师对学生来说就像一颗闪亮的星。李老师,我高中时的英语老师,就是我生命中的一颗闪亮的星。

When I began my senior middle school years, I had difficulty in learning English. I dared not speak English aloud in public because of my poor pronunciation and intonation. I could not get high marks and grammar was not right at all. Afraid of being lanughed at, I never put up my hand to answer questions in English class. When Miss Li found out my situation, she encouraged me and lent me a hand, which rapidly improved my English. With her help, I became interested in English and eventually got high marks.刚上高中时,我英语学得很吃力。我不敢在公开场合说英语,因为我的语音、语调很糟糕,英语成绩很差,语法一塌糊涂。害怕被嘲笑,所以英语课上我从来不举手回答问题。李老师发现我的情况后,向我伸出了援助之手,并鼓励我。这一切使我很快提高了英语水平。在她的帮助下,我渐渐对英语感兴趣了,成绩也提高了。

Miss Li, like a shining star, shines in my path of success.李老师,就像一颗闪亮的星照耀着我前进的道路。

相关热点: 英语学习资料 高中英语学习 英语口语大赢家


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