
英美剧 2020-09-11 08:11:55 英美剧
[摘要]David Gallagher has nabbed a Vampire Diaries role with some real… teeth… to it 大卫·加拉赫在《吸血鬼日记》中将会扮演某个文化娱乐英美剧


David Gallagher has nabbed a Vampire Diaries role with some real… teeth… to it.大卫·加拉赫在《吸血鬼日记》中将会扮演某个长尖牙的家伙。

Best known by TV fans for his run as 7th Heaven‘s Simon, Gallagher will appear on the first two episodes of the CW hit’s new season, TVLine has learned. Playing werewolf Ray Sutton, he will have a grim run-in (a howlingly bad time?) with Klaus in Tennessee.观众们可能都是从美剧《第七天堂》中他扮演的Simon认识他,据TVLine了解,这位帅哥将会在CW电视网美剧《吸血鬼日记》的前两集出现。他将会扮演狼人Ray Sutton和Klaus在田纳西州起冲突。

Though this does mark a homecoming on The CW for Gallagher, I am told that it was actually his scene-stealing work in the summer crowd-pleaser Super 8 that caught the eye of the Vampire bosses.虽然对Gallagher来说来CW演戏算是回归电视圈,但是据我们所知,也正是他在今夏卖座电影《超级8》中的出色表现才让吸血鬼剧组看上了他。

The Vampire Diaries stakes out its new season starting Thursday, Sept. 15, at 8/7c.《吸血鬼日记》第三季将会在9月15号(北京时间9月16号)首播。



Nothing. This is Vampire Diaries. Don’t count on there being any cake and goody bags, if you catch my drift. Besides, Elena isn’t really in the partying mood. She’s got more important things on her mind.什么也没送。这是《吸血鬼日记》。生日蛋糕、生日礼物什么的都木有。而且Elena也没心情搞什么生日派对,她有更重要的事情要想。

相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 吸血鬼日记笔记 吸血鬼日记 2009年12月六级真题


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