行尸走肉第二季游戏_《行尸走肉》第二季曝前瞻宣传片 《吸血鬼日记》Rose助阵

英美剧 2020-09-11 12:05:24 英美剧
[摘要]Lauren Cohan is joining the zombie resistance Lauren Cohan也加入了僵尸阵营。The alum of Supernatural, Vampire文化娱乐英美剧


Lauren Cohan is joining the zombie resistance.Lauren Cohan也加入了僵尸阵营。

The alum of Supernatural, Vampire Diaries and Chuck has landed a pivotal role on AMC’s The Walking Dead.在《邪恶力量》、《吸血鬼日记》和《超市特工》中都扮演过重要角色的Lauren将会出现在《行尸走肉》第二季中,并扮演重要角色。

Cohan will recur as Maggie Greene, the sharp, self-reliant daughter of farm owner Hershel Greene and a love interest for Glenn (Steven Yuen), reports TV Guide Magazine.据《电视指南》杂志报道,Cohan扮演的角色Maggie Greene将会是个循环角色,这个角色聪明、自理能力超强,是农场主Hershel Greene的女儿,也是(亚洲男孩)Glenn喜欢的人。

The role of Hershel, meanwhile, will be played by acting vet Scott Wilson, who’s probably best known to TV audiences as Catherine’s biological father on CSI.而农场主Hershel则是由Scott Wilson扮演。Scott此前比较为人所知的角色是《犯罪现场调查》中Catherine的生父。

Does this photo of Amy meeting her sad Season 1 fate have you dying for The Walking Dead to return? Well, you’re in luck…kinda.《行尸走肉》第一季中这张Amy不幸被丧尸咬中最后死掉的剧照有没有让你燃气想看第二季的强烈渴望?好吧,你运气不错。


相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 吸血鬼日记笔记 吸血鬼日记 考研英语面试


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