
英美剧 2020-09-12 18:05:12 英美剧





SHELDON: Well,there are others who might be more qualified, but the thought of interviewing them gave me a stomachache. Now,I know I"m proposing an enormous undertaking, so why don"t you take a few moments discuss it?

HOWARD: We"re not really gonna go to the North Pole with him,are we?

SHELDON: I"m still within earshot! You may want to wait for my door to close.

HOWARD: We"re not really gonna go to the North Pole with him,are we?

LEONARD:Hang on. Let"s talk about it. This is a National Science Foundation expedition.I don"t know how we can turn it down.

HOWARD: Easy. Instead of saying,"No,we don"t want to go on an NSF expedition," say,"No,we don"t want to spend "three months stuck in a cabin in the Arctic Circle with an anal nutbag."

RAJ: But if we were part of the team that confirmed string theory, we could drink for free in any bar in any college town with a university that has a strong science program.

LEONARD:Howard,this is big science. You could be the engineer who builds the equipment that puts us on the cover of magazines.

HOWARD: I could also be the engineer who builds the crossbow that kills Sheldon.

RAJ: You still might get on a magazine.

HOWARD:So you guys are seriously considering this?


HOWARD:And you think you can put up with Sheldon?

RAJ: Well,I"m a Hindu. My religion teaches that if we suffer in this life we are rewarded in the next. Three months at the North Pole with Sheldon, andI"m reborn as a well-hung billionaire with wings!

SHELDON: Well,gentlemen,have you reached a decision?


RAJ: Me too.

HOWARD:Oh,damn it.Peer pressure. Fine.

SHELDON: Excellent.Just an FYI,as I am the expedition"s team leader, protocol dictates that be phrased,"Fine,sir." But don"t worry,there will be a briefing.


1within earshot在听力所及距离(或范围)之内,听得见

2National Science Foundation美国国家科学基金会

3Arctic Circle北极圈Antarctic Circle南极圈

4put up with忍受;容忍

I won"t put up with her behavior any more. 我不能再纵容她的行为了。

5reached a decision下结论,决定下来,做出决定

6Peer pressure同侪压力,同伴压力,同龄人的压力

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