
英美剧 2020-09-12 18:05:12 英美剧
[摘要]看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第二十三集【剧情介绍】Sheldon想让Penny帮忙借用一下cheesefactory的冷库,好让他们四个提前演练一下北极生活 而Penny有些郁闷Leonard为什么没有提文化娱乐英美剧





SHELDON: Excuse me.Is that a yes or a no on the freezer? The woman has the attention span of a gnat.

PENNY: Hey,Leonard. Sheldon says you"re going to the North Pole.

LEONARD: Yeah. Pretty cool,huh?

PENNY: Yeah. I"m just a little surprised you didn"t tell me.

LEONARD: Oh,well,it all happened kind of fast. And we had to get physicals and buy thermal underwear and study up on,you know,snow and stuff. Sorry,I was gonna tell you.

PENNY: Oh,hey,no,you don"t have to apologize. There"s no reason you have to tell me. I was just... you know,surprised.

SHELDON:Yes,yes,you were busy,you were surprised,all very fascinating. Now where do we stand on the freezer?

PENNY: Is he serious?

LEONARD: Actually,it would help.

PENNY: All right,I"ll see what I can do. So,three months at the North Pole. Wow,that is... awesome.


SHELDON: I"m sorry,but at what point do you put this see what you can do plan into action?

PENNY: Just a warning,Sheldon-- The freezer locks from the outside.

LEONARD: Did she seem upset to you?

SHELDON: No. Did she seem upset to you?


SHELDON: Oh,good,I got it right. Are you upset?

LEONARD:A little bit.

SHELDON: Two for two. I"m on fire.

LEONARD:I mean,I know she"s not my girlfriend or anything, but wouldn"t you thinkshe"d feel a little bad that I"m going to be gone for the whole summer?

SHELDON: That feels like a bonus question. I"m going to stop here while I"m ahead,but I"ve had a great time.


1. attention span [心理] 注意广度;注意力的持续时间.span的另外一个词组搭配 life span寿命,使用期限

2. get physicals体检,get physical还有锻炼,动武,动粗的意思.

Are you going to co-operate or do we have to get physical? 你是合作呢还是要我们动粗?

3. thermal underwear保暖内衣

4. I"m on fire我真是天才

5. bonus question加分题,附加题

相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 生活大爆炸 看美剧学英语 考研复试英语口语


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