bec商务英语_BEC 剑桥商务英语中级(第三版)讲义MODULE 1

BEC商务英语 2020-09-16 22:09:40 BEC商务英语
[摘要]MODULE 1Main TasksTask 1: Speaking Test-Part oneI Members of Speaking Test•word media image1_1 png[db:cate]



Main Tasks

Task 1: Speaking Test-Part one

I. Members of Speaking Test

word/media/image1_1.png Examiner 1--- Interlocutor

asking questions and giving directions

Examiner 2--- Assessor

assessing your spoken English

Candidate 1:

making a speech or answering questions of Examiner 1 or Candidate 2

Candidate 2:

making a speech or answering questions of Examiner 1 or Candidate 1

II. Format of Speaking Test-Part one

Format: interview

--- Conversation between the examiner and two candidates

Input: Examiner asks questions

Time: 3 minutes

Interaction focus: the examiner encourages the candidates to give information about themselves and to express personal opinions

III. Criteria of grading in Part one




Stress & Rhythm

Vocabulary & Grammar


Make 1st impression

Adapt to examiner’s tone

Body language

IV. Sentence Development


1. Brief but not simple

2. To the point

3. Suitable wording


1) I like reading a lot.

I like reading. My favorite book is “Gone with the wind” because I love the main character.

I have a wide range of hobbies among which I love reading the most. My favorite book is “Gone with the wind” by Margaret Mitchell, because I greatly admire the main character--- Scarlett, who was brave to love and hate.

2) I also enjoy travelling very much.

I love travelling very much because I see travelling as a good opportunity to meet new people, new food and new culture, which by all means broadens my view.

I spend most of my long holidays travelling to different places, because it offers me great opportunities to meet new people, taste new foods, learn new cultures, thus adding my life experiences. Lijiang, Jiuzaigou, and Xinjiang are the most impressive places for me so far, so I highly recommend them.

3What kind of person do you think you are?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

inactive, quiet, introvert , extrovert, trustworthy, thoughtful, helpful, gentle, slow, honest, hardworking, active, efficient, kind, generous, talkative, easygoing,, open, optimistic, pessimistic, easy to get along with, ready to help others, brave, devoting, passionate, bright, smart, cute, popular among friends, sweet, warm-hearted, sympathetic, willing to share, not self-centered, considerate, a social person,

4Where are you from?

Can you say something about your hometown?

location, province, urban area, suburb, rural area, isolated places, small villages/towns/ downtown areas/ countryside, city, beautiful scenery, quiet, fresh air, green everywhere, friendly people, kind and helpful, skyscrapers, tall buildings, shopping malls, department stores, business district, entertainment, parks, transportation system, public facilities, convenient, noisy, busy, indifferent, modern, cold, alienated, climate, humid, dry, windy, freezing, extremely hot,

5What’s your hobby?

What do you like to do in your spare time?

spare time, music, Pop/classical, sports, ball games, pc games, body exercises, movies (detective/horror/romantic /comedy /tragedy), books (science fiction / novel / essay / poems / poetry /fashion magazine / comic strips/ cartoons / autobiography), shopping, food, cooking, painting, singing, dancing, playing cards/poker/chess

V. Personal questions


VI. Business topics

1. Business in your hometown or country

-- what kind of business / industry is popular in your hometown?

-- what is the current situation of the industry?

a. IT industries / garment industry / sportswear industry, some of the brands are famous nationwide.

b. Catering is popular in my hometown. Many people are in the catering business.

2. the importance of English in business

-- Do you think English will continue to be important for business in the future? Why?

a. English is a common language used in international business communication

b. With globalization, English helps to obtain business opportunities, succeed in negotiation and entertain visitors.

3. The effect of technology on business

-- Which technology has had the biggest effect on business in recent years?

-- What effect will technology have on business development?

IT/ E-commerce / business online

a. to help the transfer of business information

b. to change the way business is conducted

c. IT is now widely used in business activities. The Internet is making it possible to do business online which is more speedy and cost-effective.

4. Present and future changes in working life

-- In what ways do you think working life will change in the next decade?

a. the present changes as follows: use of IT, office environment, welfare, etc.

b. the future changes as follows: more people working from home, three or four working days, etc.

5. Training and development in the workplace

-- If you had a choice of work training, what would it be? Why?

-- How do training help development of employees?

a. a benefit to the staff

b. Training upgrades business knowledge and working abilities.

c. Training get staff well-informed and enhance their professional skills.

6. ways of selling products or services

-- How many ways are there to promote products or services?

-- How effect is selling over the website?

a. site promotion (department store / franchise house

b. direct mail, door-to-door selling

c. cold calling

d. advertisement on TV, in newspaper or magazine

e. Using you website as a marketing tool. Sell items directly on the site or use the site to educate customers about your product or service.

Task 2: Business Topic-Ways of working

Task 1): Vocabulary—different ways of working

I. Wordlist

II. Expressions

III. Discussion

Put students into pairs or small groups to discuss how they work most effectively. Put the list of question on the board to help them discuss the points more easily.

How do you study English most effectively?

By working …

--- at the same time everyday / at different times of the day?

--- early in the morning / late at night?

--- on your own / with others?

--- at home / at your place of study (library or classroom)?

Reference expressions

routine type of person 按部就班的人

have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作

get support from each other互相支持

co-operate with each other 相互合作

share ideas 交流想法

learn from other people’s strong points 学他人所长

working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficient


can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office


have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度

a dependent type of persona and never make decisions myself 性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意

an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself 性格独立,喜欢自己做决定

don’t want to work under someone 不想在别人手下工作

Example statement:

For me, I like to work flexible hours on my own. By working like this, I can work most effectively. When I need to teach my students, I will go to the classroom. So I am used to flexible hours rather than working nine to five. Also, Id like to work on my own. It is because this can allow me to be innovative in my language teaching career.

IV. Matching

Students match the terms to the definition. Ask them if any of them are familiar with these way of working:

Would it be possible to telework in your job

How would you feel about job-sharing?

Have you ever suggested to your boss the idea of flexitime?

V. Further analysis

Put students into groups to analyze more advantages and disadvantages.

Task 2)Reading---how to job-share

I. Scanning

Ask students to read the whole text before they put the headings with the correct paragraphs. Tell them that they won’t need to understand every word to complete this reading task.

II. Discussion

TopicHow easy would it b for you to job-share? Would your employer or boss think it was a good idea?

Reference expressions


Have more time with children

With less work stress

Can have more free time

Can have someone to share credit and blame

Two people doing one job means twice as much experience, skills, brainpower and energy.


Difficult to find someone you like

Need to coordinate with the other person

Tend to work late at night

Need careful planning to play to each other’s different strengths

They may not get what they expect of the job-sharer in terms of hours, availability and result.

III. Extension

Extension 1:

Roles: Student A is the employee and student B is the employer

Situation: Student A wants to start job-sharing with another colleague. He must try to convince their employer that it is a good idea and mention the advantages. Student B should be skeptical and mention disadvantages.

Time: 3 minutes

Extension 2:

Roles: Student A is the examiner and student B is the examinee

Situation: Student A asks some questions and Student B tries to answer them.

Aim: students should introduced to the idea that they will have to be able to talk on many different areas of business in the exam.

Time: 3 minutes

Task 3)Listening---working from home

I. Cloze


Q1. What does she way is important when working from home?

---A: have a time table and stick to it.

Q2. What does she think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this way of working?

---A: advantage- you spend more time with the children

- more flexibility

- the company saves money on office space

- no commuting

disadvantage – sometimes you work in the evening

- you miss people and office news & gossip

Q3. How long has she been with her current employer? How long has she been home-working?

---A: She’s been with her current employer since she left school, but she’s been home-working for 5 years.

Q4. Is she doing anything different from normal this week?

---A: She’s going to the office everyday to meet visitors.

Task 4)Grammar---present tenses

I. Tense

II. Timeline


Task 3: Speaking Test-Part two

I. Format of Speaking test-part two

Format: mini-presentation" by each candidate on a business theme.

-- giving information and expressing opinions

Input: Written prompt

Time: about 6 minutes (1m preparation)

Interaction focus: the candidates are given prompts which generate a short talk on a business-related topic

II. Criteria of grading in Part two



Ideas organization


Choose 1 topic as quickly as possible

List key words of the topic

Make notes while your partner speaking

Body language

III. Tips

1. 选择主题

I choose topic …

2. 开篇点题

As regards to… There are 3 points I want to say

As to … I thing we need to consider 3 aspects

Concerning … This topic, … There are 4 things to consider.

In regard to … I have the following points.

In relation to … From my point of view, I have the following consideration.

Regarding to … As far as I am concerned, my points are as follows:

With regard to … concerned,

With respect to …

3. 论点组织

First … second … third

Firstly … secondly … thirdly … lastly …

One … another … the third one … and the last …

To begin with … in addition / … another important consideration … finally

First of all … in the second place … last not but least …

To begin with … moreover … finally …

4. 论点扩展

举例:for example, for instance, take … for example, such as …

解释:that is, that means, it means that …

对比:in comparison with, compared to …

5. 结束演讲

Well, that’s all my points.

Right, it look as though I’ve covered the main areas / main points.

I think that just covers everything.

Before I close, let me summarize the main points.

So, to sum up …

IV. Reference presentation

A. What’s important when job sharing?

I choose topic A --- What is important when job sharing. As to this topic, as far as I am concerned, there are 3 things to consider.

Finding someone you like is the most important when you start a job-share. As job sharing is a way for two people to both fill one job, finding someone you like is very important for the success of the scheme. You may find one from your current workplace, or you may find one from outside through all kinds of contacts.

Organizing and planning how you share the work is also important. If it’s shared responsibility, there is no division of duties but the two people have to split the hours clearly to ensure that the work flows continuously. If it’s divided responsibility, each partner has to be clear about his own case --- load or project to focus on during his working hours. If it’s unrelated responsibility, the partners and to learn what their separate tasks are in the same department, and each has to do his own share well.

Communication is another important factor to consider when you arrange the job-share, especially for shared responsibility. Partners have to communicate well so that jobs are done smoothly. Using email, voicemail messages, daily logs and notes are some techniques that help facilitate communication.

B. What is important when working from home

Setting up an office space in the house is important when working from home. This will give you a feel of being in the office and concentrate more on work. In this way, it will be easy for you to differentiate between work time and private time and you will not be easily distracted.

It’s also important to plan your working hours and your breaks. Make it like in the office and set a timetable. But do not overwork yourself to make up for not being in the office every day. Make sure you have a break after you work for a few hours.

In addition, to make working from home really successful, you should make sure colleagues and clients can reach you as though you are in the office. This may help a lot to guarantee the efficiency.

V. Practice

It is the Part Two in Speaking Test.


This exercise gives students the opportunity to bring together many of the ideas and vocabulary looked at in the module so far. Refer students to the previous reading and listening from this module to help them prepare ideas. Then students give their presentation to each other.

NOTE: 1. choose one topic from 3

2. 1 minute preparation

3. 1 minute presentation

4. ask 1 or 2 questions to your partner


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